Comments on: How to Lose Weight Fast: 51 Tips to Consider Dr. Axe is a Certified Nutrition Specialist, expert in Natural Medicine, a speaker for Fortune 500 Companies (Nissan, Whole Foods) and a doctor of chiropractic. Wed, 03 Apr 2024 17:22:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Taj Thu, 26 Mar 2015 17:22:02 +0000 Hi Dr. Axe,
Which Matcha Tea is good ? There are so many in market. Please advise.


By: Pierce White Sat, 21 Mar 2015 18:55:55 +0000 I am entering my active time of year, when I bicycle 20-35 miles several times a week.
My diet is not exemplary, but I avoid grains, prepared/boxed foods and other “junk.”
Red wine is a daily item for me, but when I abstained for 60 days last November, I
noticed no weight loss (although I was not bicycling then).

Any advice you offer will be greatly helped. My wife has accessed your website,
and during the last several months has dropped 30+ pounds–WITHOUT exercise.

Pierce White

By: Dr. Josh Axe Tue, 10 Feb 2015 16:25:40 +0000 In reply to Pat.

Hmmm…it might need a little more kefir or melted coconut oil? I’ll look at the recipe again to see if I need to update it. Sorry it didn’t work out great!

By: Pat Thu, 05 Feb 2015 16:04:29 +0000 This morning I tried the Gluten-Free Berry Muffin recipe. The picture looked so appetizing!!! My batter was so thick I couldn’t scoop into the muffin tin, and immediately tried to burn in the oven, plus muffins came out like cornmeal and fell apart. It was a waste of all those fabulous ingredients including berries. What did I do wrong?? How can I assemble differently or change to make them look, feel and taste like they should? Disappointed. Pat

By: Lauren Fri, 30 Jan 2015 16:08:40 +0000 While all of these articles are helpful and encouraging, they do not say how much good fat is OK and for who (age and gender).

By: Joseph Albert Thu, 29 Jan 2015 03:27:29 +0000 Two more Ideas- A boxing bag in your house/apt, reiieves pent up energy , builds self esteem , you can do it anytime you stress and makes you feel tough . ;o)
Himalayan sea salt for cleansing . Lose 3-5 lbs the first day with 2-3 bowel movements in the first 2-3 hours with 24 oz water and 1 1/2 tsp.
Just my two cents- JA

By: Eva Thu, 29 Jan 2015 00:34:32 +0000 I lost 25 pounds in two months when I gave up eating sugary foods. I lost another 15 pounds eating the right things. You discover how delicious food is in its raw state when you give up the sugary toppings, starchy sauces and dressings. Real spices, the onion family, herbs, sea salt and quality oils make recipes Pop! I have so much natural energy now that I love to workout and exercise. I can hike farther and even ski longer than many people in their twenties! I’m almost 60 yrs. old and have no aches or pains, even though I had a cancer diagnosis almost two years ago. Life keeps getting better; I feel like I’m in my 30s again. Now, if only my hair would grow back quicker! Thank you Dr. Axe for all you do and for your inspirational story about your Mom!

By: Linda Ann Walsh Thu, 22 Jan 2015 20:19:06 +0000 I am a 73 year old retired activist . . . changing the world as you are! Once I was a professional recruiter for corporate America . . .until I learned about the “seamy side of Democracy”. I’ve spent 20 years plus learning about how socio-economic paradigm-shifting might work. I couldn’t serve two masters so I became a low income women and retired at age 63. I live on $11,000 a year and do not use food stamps because of Monsanto’s lack of integrity and “population euthenasia control” strategies.

God willing I’ll live another 70+ years to see the World I love come back 360 ! According to Gerald Celente’, CEO / Researcher at Trend Research Institute, the encroaching Greatest Depression will make the 1930’s look like a picnic in the park”! Why? Technocracy is crippling our ability to use our out-dated skill-sets and values that kept America Healthy for 200 years.

I eat three organic meals a day now. Organic food at breakfast and lunch . . . with Green Superfood at dinner! And it works! Unfortunately, money is getting tighter as time goes on. I won’t financial donations, grants, donations from food banks (grocery stores) or food stamps now because that will put me under non-profit guidelines i.e., rules and regulations and abort the old “separation of church and state” rule !

I’m asking for of a monthly donation of your Green Superfood. I’m looking for a probono lawyer to read and approve Terms and Conditions of these two highly valuable services

In closing, I love your website ! We are living in a time-sensative point in culture where people are waking up to the dangers ahead! More people are shopping right, starting to cook their own food again, and taking the time to eat. 100’s of activists are coming out of the woodwork and working hard since 2008 to break through the lies we’re being fed. More kids are being home-schooled, the Internet has become the experiential democratic school needed to educate the public. activists are coming out on droves!

My health had been failing until I gave up my “foodie addictions” and began to eat three organic means a day. Organic food at breakfast and lunch with your Green Superfood at dinner. Unfortunately, money is getting tighter as time goes on. According to Gerald Celente’, CEO / Researcher at Trend Research Institute, the encroaching Greatest Depression will make the 1930’s look like a picnic in the park”! We are already beyond the Tipping Point with Fascism ready to come out of the closet. If what I know to be true IS, Dr Axe . . . you may be using the website above for your own work.

I appreciate your work very much and hope you will appreciate mine. What I’m about to tell you must go no further until I am ready to launch a model that will flip individuals and families on top the Power Pyramid with corporations and governments at the bottom . . . where they were supposed to be! I have secrets and insights to share that will do just that!

Onward and Upward ! I will keep any donations you offer CONFIDENTIAL . . . I am asking that you keep my work THE SAME UNTIL I’m ready to launch it
nation-wide and beyond. (I have found one qualified woman who’s offered 10 – 15 hours of her time to move Onward and Upward! I could use more


Linda Ann Walsh
Island County in Washington State
