Comments on: 6 Steps for How to Balance Hormones Naturally Dr. Axe is a Certified Nutrition Specialist, expert in Natural Medicine, a speaker for Fortune 500 Companies (Nissan, Whole Foods) and a doctor of chiropractic. Tue, 16 Jul 2024 17:43:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dr. Josh Axe Tue, 14 Apr 2015 18:56:56 +0000 In reply to Angie.

I think the tips in this article may be beneficial to helping your hormones regulate. I would check out this information in this article as well:

By: Jewel Tue, 14 Apr 2015 15:56:34 +0000 In reply to Sugarbranch.

I have Grave’s Disease and had radiation on it in 2011 to destroy my thyroid cells. Good thing is, my rapid heartbeat became normal and my anxiety got very noticeably better. Bad thing is instead of having more than enough thyroid hormones, my thyroid wasn’t able to make enough hormones. I was put on Synthroid for about a year after the radiation, which was working wonders for me. I became pregnant in October of 2012 and chose to stop my Synthroid medication because I didn’t want to be on any meds while pregnant. Of course, I had to lie to my doctor and tell her I was still taking them. Well, after 3 months of feeling GREAT and NORMAL, my blood work showed indeed, my thyroid hormones were literally perfect – right in the middle! To make a long story short, up until 3 months after I gave birth, I was in the best shape of my LIFE (didn’t work out once). I wondered….HOW IS THIS HAPPENING?? I started researching hCG and came to the conclusion that that’s what was making me lose weight and feel great! I actually LOST WEIGHT DURING MY PREGNANCY and KEPT IT OFF FOR 3 MONTHS BY DOING NOTHING! I am convinced that it was the hCG – partially due to the fact that after the “birth” effects of hCG dwindled away, I started to gain the weight back. I recently bought some hCG activator from Vitamin Shoppe and am anxious to see the results. I would HIGHLY suggest you try it.

God bless,


By: Angie Mon, 13 Apr 2015 14:23:08 +0000 Dr. Axe,

I truly appreciate all of your articles and find them very interesting as well as inspirational. I have quite a past when it comes to infertility…too much to really get into. I do have one beautiful 5 year old boy who we conceived naturally. My last pregnancy ended at 23 weeks when I had to deliver our baby girl after not hearing her heart beat at a routine exam. I went on the pill after all of that because I couldn’t imagine being pregnant ever again. We decided this past fall that we would try again. I used clomid for one month but had side effects that were not safe, so I chose to go a more holistic route and used some herbal hormone replacements. Still no luck. This past month, I didn’t get my period until day 43. I had cramps on and off throughout the month. It has been emotionally draining waiting that long to find out if I’m pregnant, plus the pain that I’m having with cramping is quite uncomfortable. I decided to go back on the pill to regulate my cycle more than anything. I have pretty much given up on getting pregnant as I don’t want to use any drugs. Do you feel that the diet you mentioned in this article could really help regulate my period? Are there any other natural remedies I could try that would allow me to feel better? I also have been having cramping just in my left ovary area lately. Thanks so much or your help.

By: Dr. Josh Axe Mon, 23 Mar 2015 20:45:02 +0000 In reply to Sugarbranch.

I would try adding in burst training 3-5 times each week. Check out my burst fit program here:

By: Dr. Josh Axe Mon, 23 Mar 2015 18:47:44 +0000 In reply to Lee.

I would look at tips in this article as well as these:

By: Dr. Josh Axe Mon, 23 Mar 2015 18:31:12 +0000 In reply to Mandy.

I’d look at tips in this article as well as this one:

By: Stacey Mon, 23 Mar 2015 16:44:14 +0000 I am in my early 50’s, have had a hysterectomy (one ovary remaining) and in full menopause for the last four years. I have been on Bioidentical Hormones for the past three years. In reading your article on balancing hormones through supplements and diet, do you recommend taking Bioidentical hormones also for someone in my situation?

By: Mrs mpweya Sat, 21 Mar 2015 14:58:45 +0000 Doct I need your help because I don’t understand myself i’m pass through tough time wit this hormone imbalance I can stay even for three month’s without seen my periods n I’ve been using birth control pills and m getting fat everyday and up to now no pregnant v’e been using infertility pills clomid but no any changn plz help me I don’t know wat to do now

By: Sugarbranch Sat, 21 Mar 2015 12:03:49 +0000 I have been working on self healing for my 2nd year now, after I felt my Dr. was clueless and all but killing me. My thyroid was crushed in 2003 and it has been downhill for me since. I was being treated for hypothyroid and the treatment made me feel even worse. I was having multiple skin conditions and gaining weight like crazy. I have been very trim and athletic my entire life and am an active horse owner and rider and take care of a 130 acre farm and as many as 70 animals daily. I get more than my fair share of daily exercise. Most would have a hard time keeping up with me. I have very good core strength and under this blubber belly, I have 6pack abs. I myself, went gluten free. I have a pot of bone broth on my stove at most times. I consume it daily. I drink milk kefir almost daily, consume fermented foods regularly. I eat fresh and never anything that comes in a can or box. All the food I eat is organic/grass fed/free range/fresh/seasonal/raw and most of it, I grow myself. My guts are 1000X better. All my skin conditions have cleared up. However, I am still gaining weight. I have put on 20# this winter alone. I try to get good sleep, I eat meals between the hours of 10am to 7pm. I consume very few sugar calories. I eat coconut oil and avocado daily. I am now appx. 40# over my healthy weight. I do not diet. I have created a lifestyle. I also take Ashwaganda & Boswelilia . I had a hair analysis that said my Vit. D was highly off the scale so I am not currently taking that, but I do get lots of outdoor/sunshine time. I also do not take iodine as I am fairly confident that I actually have Hashimoto’s. I get over heated very easily and seldom cold. I steer clear from the cabbage family of foods unless it is fermented. How do I lose weight instead of this slow and steady gain? I have no issues of self control when it comes to food and eating. I am basically happy in life and live with fairly low stress. All is great but this fat belly that I seem to be growing and I do not like it. I am a 55 year old. woman.

By: A A Mon, 16 Mar 2015 22:33:52 +0000 Dear Dr. Axe — Thank you so much for all your information. Between you and Dr Isabella I’ve learned much and made many positive changes. I would, however, like to find a script and great price for HGH, feel it would help my inflammation, aging (60yoa), CFS, MTHFR, etc. Am in Western Connecticut near West Hartford. Can you help to direct me? Or to something on the Internet? Again, my sincere thanks and best regards, A A

By: Lee Mon, 16 Mar 2015 09:28:02 +0000 Hi Dr. Axe,

I have been having a few issues with being able to have enough energy to interact with my son after work, hair loss, stress on top of stress, yeast/bv atleast once or more a month, trying to loose weight, and sweating for no reason…when I say no reason I mean during the day sitting all day at my desk my under arms look like I ran a few miles, and at night I’m drenched, have to change my clothes, and lay on a towel. I have asked my doctor numerous times to have a test done to see if I have a hormone/pH/vitamin issue with my body but she doesn’t acknowledge my question/concern. Instead i was given a referral to a dermatologist and he gave me pills to stop the sweating. That worked for a little bit but now not so much. Im 29 and all of these things are taking a toll on myself esteem (as my friends have told me recently) and I would really love to hear your thoughts and suggestions as I would like to get this under control. Oh! I forgot to mention that I have had mirena for about two years which might not be helping my situation at all.

By: Mandy Mon, 16 Mar 2015 01:11:53 +0000 Hi! I’m 32 years old and was recently told that my FSH level was at 112 so they are telling me I’m going into menopause! I’ve stopped having a cycle in November! My husband and I have been trying to conceive for 3 years now! I had a miscarriage 2 years ago but since then I’ve been to every Dr, natrapath, chiropractor etc! They can’t seem to give me any answers! I’m currently on estrogen, progesterone and naltrexone. The only reason why is because I tried doing natural things to try and reduce hot flashes but they were getting so bad to the point I would get super panicky and passed out! I’m now doing a juice cleanse and hoping this will balance me out! Do you have any other suggestions? Thanks!

By: Dr. Josh Axe Thu, 12 Mar 2015 20:07:45 +0000 In reply to Betty.

I would look at tips in this article. In addition, tips given in this article may be helpful as well:
It can take your body some time to normalize once stopping the pill, especially when it was used for a long period of time. I would focus on eating good proteins and healthy fats.

By: Betty Wed, 11 Mar 2015 15:56:36 +0000 Hi Dr. Axe,
About 9 months ago I went off the ring/pill after many years of use. Previous to that, my cycle had always been extremely erratic. When I was young I was diagnosed with PCO’s. After stopping, surprisingly my cycle resumed and was more or less regular (between 30 to 35 days), something I had never experienced. About 5 months ago I started to experience lots of irregular bleeding and spotting in the second half of my cycle and it still continues. I had a d and C without any findings and my hormone levels are all in the normal range and do not show peri-menopause. I am currently 47 years old. A few months ago I went off of sugar and avoid processed food and in general I do feel good. Would you have any recommendation to help my situation?
Thanks so much!

By: Dr. Josh Axe Tue, 10 Mar 2015 19:30:31 +0000 In reply to Beverly.

Check this out:

By: Dr. Josh Axe Mon, 09 Mar 2015 14:51:38 +0000 In reply to Lexie.

I Think the GAPS diet may be beneficial for you:

By: Lexie Sun, 08 Mar 2015 16:33:06 +0000 Hi Dr. Axe. Love your website. I’ve been seeing a naturopath since December and have had comprehensive gut and salivary hormone tests done. I’m 23 and my estrogen levels are lower than menopausal. I haven’t had a period since March of last year. Before seeing her my gyno gave me provera and i lightly spotted but very lightly. I also have MAJOR digestive symptoms. Bloating and gas after many foods including lots of vegetables. My hair starting falling out in August everytime I shower and run my hands through it while dry. It’s thinned drastically since. This seemed to be at bay january and most of February but has gotten very very bad these last two weeks. I started taking Metsgenics Estrovera and Vitanica Pregnancy Prep feb 24th as well as GI Revive powder for leaky gut (all under naturopaths regulations). My dermatitis and hair loss have flared up majorly since. I don’t know what’s going on. This week I began drinking bone broth and am incorporating that into my diet and going Paleo for at least three weeks. What’s going on with me? I feel so so helpless and just like everhtbjng is getting worse. Is it normal for things to get worse before they get better?

By: Beverly Thu, 05 Mar 2015 23:21:33 +0000 I just read your article. I have three daughter-in-laws who have varying stages of endometriosis. I know birth control pills are horrible to take, but the only options their doctors are giving them are birth control pills and surgery every few years. I would appreciate your insight.

By: Dr. Josh Axe Thu, 05 Mar 2015 16:53:24 +0000 In reply to Jo.

I would look at tips in this article as well as these:
I would also focus on healing your gut:

By: Dr. Josh Axe Thu, 05 Mar 2015 16:50:51 +0000 In reply to Lisa Allen.

I’m still not a fan of those methods either. I believe natural family planning is the best option! Check this out for my alternatives:

By: Dr. Josh Axe Thu, 05 Mar 2015 16:40:12 +0000 In reply to J3.

It may have an effect on that as it can help regulate hormones. Everyone’s body responds differently so it’s hard to say.

By: Dr. Josh Axe Mon, 02 Mar 2015 22:37:06 +0000 In reply to Diana.

I think they could still be beneficial

By: Dr. Josh Axe Mon, 02 Mar 2015 21:11:15 +0000 In reply to Reny Varughese.

Check this out:

By: Lisa Allen Mon, 02 Mar 2015 15:13:32 +0000 Good suggestions! I’m a chiropractor/holistic physician and a breast cancer survivor who took birth control pills for 20 years. I totally agree that they are very dangerous. The issue I run into with young married patients is that they don’t want to use barrier methods and don’t trust the rhythm method. I honestly run out of suggestions. Do you feel that an IUD, such as Mirena, is any safer? What suggestions do you give?

By: Jo Mon, 02 Mar 2015 07:32:00 +0000 Hi Dr. Axe,

I am constantly tired, moody, lack of energy/motivation. I expect it is hormone related. I’ve recently started PT sessions and I am not losing any weight at all and i am around 20kgs over weight. I am not getting any energy from it. I met my partner when I was 38 (I am 40 in May this year) – at the time I was not on the pill but my mood swings almost lead to us breaking up. I went on the pill cerezette and I was much better. I cam off the pill in November as we are trying for a baby now and the uncontrollable mood swings, aggression, tiredness and general lack of well being has returned. I am working hard to improve my diet. Can you recommend what I can do. I am desperate to get my life back at this point.

Thanks Jo

By: Reny Varughese Sun, 01 Mar 2015 09:37:11 +0000 HI Dr. Josh Axe,
Your website is really informative. I am a 41 years old, Indian national, mother of two kids. I reside in United Arab Emirates and work here. I was recently diagnosed with Hypothyroidism, Hypoinsulinemia and 5.8 points of cholesterol. My LDL is high, triglycerides are normal and HDL is just normal. I have just started taking Levoxyl as my doctor prescribed this medication for my hypothyroidism and Glucophage for Hypoinsulinemia. I really dont want to take Glucophage due to the tummy upsets it causes. When I asked my doctor if there was a natural way to balance my hormones she just said choice is mine but it is good that I take Levoxyl as it does not have any side effects and hypothyroidism could lead to early menopause and excess weight gain. I have changed my diet altogether. I have cut down on carbs a lot (especially white rice, refined flour, sugar) are more on proteins (avoiding red meat), vegetables and fruits. I am also going to walk even if it is for 15 – 20 minutes a day. Could you suggest an alternative treatment for hypothyroidism or is it advisable to take the said medication. Thank you and God bless you.

By: Diana Fri, 27 Feb 2015 22:59:41 +0000 I had a complete thyroidectomy back in 2007. Since then I always have to take levothyroxine. I have had serious issues with loosing weight, and I gained 25lbs. This year after they changed my medication level, I am always tired, and really feel like my hormones are off. Do any of these work if you do not have your thyroid? Thank you for any information!

By: Roberta Fri, 27 Feb 2015 11:26:13 +0000 Thanks Dr Axe for all your guidance on adrenal and hormonal health – I found Liquorice Root helpful in dealing with dysregulated cortisol (after reading Dr Sarah Gottfried’s book – highly recommend it) and am planning to add in ashwaganda for a range of hormonal issues including adrenal fatigue, tinnitus, joint swelling and menopausal symptoms. Red Clover helped me in the past but I found I developed an irritable bowel reaction and had to stop using it. I am also building up to daily bursts of vigorous exercise most mornings and a thirty minute walk daily. Thanks again and Good Health To All :)

By: Manju Thu, 26 Feb 2015 18:50:32 +0000 For me coconut oil, flax oil, turmeric and certain excercises seems to be working. I started noticing change after a month. I am also consuming chlorella. Excersices are cardio, crunches, suryanamaskara, planks and sprints (alternating them each day). Rest all food diet remains the same for me (vegetarian). Hope this motivates others to try. Body is designed to heal itself if we put in some effort.

By: Dr. Josh Axe Thu, 26 Feb 2015 16:54:24 +0000 In reply to kristin.

Yes it has enough. Thanks for checking the comments :)

By: J3 Thu, 26 Feb 2015 07:28:14 +0000 Dr. Axe,
I currently take Nature Throid 1 grain for hypothyroid. I began taking ashwaganda because I saw your recommendation to help balance hormones and heal thyroid. My monthly cycle began about a week after starting ashwaganda, and I should not have started for another 2 weeks. I’ve always had a very regular 28 day cycle, so this is not normal for me. My question is, would ashwaganda cause my period to start, and how long will it take to regulate back out?

By: kristin Thu, 26 Feb 2015 04:57:16 +0000 I’m currently taking your Vitamin B Adrenal Support…………does this supplement have enough of the Ashwagandha Root for balancing hormones, or should I also consider taking the Ashwagandha Root supplement as well??

thank you.

(I always try to scan the comments to see if this question has been asked – I apologize if it’s a repeat)

By: Maripat Thu, 26 Feb 2015 04:26:47 +0000 My vitamin D level was very good…I take D3 10,000. I started taking to off set moving from Florida to Missouri. After my results a couple weeks ago the nurse said 2500 to 5000 …. the product I bought was 10,000 and my level was good … should I change?

By: Davila Steinbsch Thu, 26 Feb 2015 04:24:18 +0000 What is your thought on using NAC for PCOS? Thanks

By: John Thu, 19 Feb 2015 06:17:21 +0000 Very good article. I was searching for ways to control hormones and found this nice article. You are right about Holy basil that it enhance hormone balance by Improving thyroid function. I was diagnosed with thyroid problem few years back and tried this remedy and it worked !

By: Dr. Josh Axe Wed, 18 Feb 2015 16:07:26 +0000 In reply to Don Arthur.

Thanks for letting me know. I’ve informed my team and we are working to correct that

By: Don Arthur Wed, 18 Feb 2015 02:24:09 +0000 Hey Dr. Axe, love the things you write/talk about. Unfortunately, the right-side portion of the comments page is truncated. I think someone mentioned this earlier. Not a big problem, as we can usually “fill-in-the-gap”. But just frustrating in case a certain word is missing that distorts the essence of the comment.

By: Dr. Josh Axe Tue, 17 Feb 2015 23:10:58 +0000 In reply to Lori.

Doing some vegetable juice (1 glass/day) is fine but following something like the GAPS diet is ideal

By: Dr. Josh Axe Mon, 16 Feb 2015 16:16:02 +0000 In reply to Connie Sylvester.

I think there are better products available

By: Jenna Ross Sun, 15 Feb 2015 00:37:19 +0000 I have endometriosis and 4 years ago I started learning about natural health and detoxed off birth control and my other experimental med I was on. I changed all my personal care products and cleaning products and ditched fluoride. I changed my eating habits, and it made a huge difference. I actually managed to get pregnant after the detox. After my son was born, I still had bad cramping and hot flashes. About a year and a half ago, I discovered the Phytoestrogen natural hormone balancing supplement from doTerra and their clary calm oil blend. I could tell a difference literally a week into taking the supplement, and the oil blend relieved any discomfort within minutes. It made a huge difference, and I feel a million times better. Going natural is the way to go, but it takes work. You have to be attentive to what’s in your products and your food. It seems like a sacrifice to some, but, for me, I got a life back that I thought was gone for good. Thank’s Dr. Axe for your amazing information. I appreciate all the education that you spread. It’s something sorely lacking in this country.

By: Connie Sylvester Thu, 12 Feb 2015 00:26:34 +0000 HI Dr. Axe, I am quitting my job soon & have been approached to start selling Plexus. The person has assured me that it is an all natural product that helps with menopausal symptoms, insomnia, weight loss, energy levels & many other health benefits as well as even being safe for breast feeding moms. I am leary of trying it myself as I have spent the last 30 years of my life yo-yo dieting & trying EVERYTHING to loose weight & keep it off. I am tired of “the latest, & greatest” product out there to “fix” me. Do you know anything about this product? I would appreciate any input you can offer me regarding this. Thank you! & thank you for your mission to help us be really healthy. Sincerely, Connie Sylvester

By: Dr. Josh Axe Mon, 09 Feb 2015 21:01:29 +0000 In reply to Katharina.

Check these out:

By: Dr. Josh Axe Mon, 09 Feb 2015 15:12:57 +0000 In reply to TLM.

Thyme essential oil may be beneficial in helping to increase progesterone. You also may want to decrease estrogen by eating cruciferous vegetables, not drinking out of plastic bottles or containers, eliminating soy, etc. I would also look at tips in this article for balancing hormones. I typically recommend 2-5000IU of vitamin D3 each day.

By: Katharina Sun, 08 Feb 2015 23:26:52 +0000 Hello Dr Axe,

I’m off my birth control since 4 months or so? …. I noticed I’m dealing with acne on my face it’s not that bad but still for my 36 yrs of age its kind of disturbing.
I’m thinking not to use the pill again ….I need to fix my. Hormonal imbalance. I suffering from thinking hair and hair loss wich is bothering me the most.
I expirace I have the feverish flashes once I feel extremely cold and next hr or so I sweat most under my armpits and I feel cold again….I know it’s my hormones, I use maca, I drink green tea use gelatin and buy most organic produce. I wonder what could I take to fix my hormones I’m so tired…I also use sometimes ashwaganda… Pumpkin seeds and other herbs you name it…but I still have the symptoms. I don’t know what to do? Do you have any suggestions Dr. Axe? Thank you.

By: Lori Sun, 08 Feb 2015 03:19:47 +0000 I am confused as what to do about my thyroid. The last few years my TSH were 4-6 but I have not been symptomatic. Not really tired, gbweight is up and down but not bad, not depressed, I feel, not on any prescriptions, 55 yrs old. Happilieed married, love my work. But now this year, TSH is up to 8.39. All other lab counts good. Doc says to just watch in 3 months. She knows I prefer natural remedies so is giving me time to get down. Just started juicing more, trying more raw. Now from what I am reading, I have to be careful with getting too much dark green. What would you suggest ? Keep juicing and going raw? Please help. I have your list and am working on that too.

Lori T

By: Judy Fri, 06 Feb 2015 02:20:54 +0000 In reply to Amanda Singletary.

The Billing’s Method works very well, and it teaches you how to ‘read’ your body during the different stages of your cycle. Helps in family planning – both ways.

By: Dr. Josh Axe Thu, 05 Feb 2015 20:46:39 +0000 In reply to Melissa.

Diet is absolutely a huge factor as well!

By: Melissa Tue, 03 Feb 2015 02:52:35 +0000 I’ve tried all of these for at least a year now, going on 1 1/2 years actually, and my hormones are better but still way off from what they should be. I’m wondering if genetics make it harder for some folks to stay in the optimal range? I Don’t have any other significant factors such as illness, older age, poor diet, etc. not sure where to turn except, yes, the dreaded hormone replacement!

By: Dr. Josh Axe Wed, 28 Jan 2015 15:05:37 +0000 In reply to Sunny.

Sorry about that! Here is a link to it:
Otherwise, email to get it emailed to you.

By: TLM Wed, 28 Jan 2015 14:08:33 +0000 I am 65, and had been diagnosed 20 years ago with osteoporosis. The Dr. put me on fosomax (horrible drug!) and I was on it for about a year and a half when I started having stomach problems and stopped it. After that of course she wanted me to try other drugs like fosomax (sp?) but I refused and started investigating natural alternatives. Have been on quality multi vitamins, cod liver oil, vitamin c (2,000 mg daily), and sometimes extra d3. I have just recently gotten overly stiff and painful to move especially after I have had an extra active day. (in the morning I do fine, but as the day goes on I hurt more and more) Also my hair has been thinning to a greater extent, and I have recently noticed a hair on my chin (lol) that keeps growing back.

All this said, I started using progesterone cream about a week ago and have really noticed an improvement in the aches and pains, but I am afraid to continue it for too long since I have read that you can and usually develop ‘dermal fatigue’ and long term it can do more harm than good. Am now investigating ‘Maca’ but not sure what studies show in long term use. Maybe I am not taking enough d3 on a regular basis? (I take about 1,500 mg daily, and very ocassionally I take another 1,000.)

Am wondering what Dr. Axe recommends in all this? Should I up my Vit d3 somewhat? Should I seriously look into Maca and forget the progesterone cream? What is my safest route?
