Comments on: Is Flatulence Good for You? (Does It Depend on the Smell?) Dr. Axe is a Certified Nutrition Specialist, expert in Natural Medicine, a speaker for Fortune 500 Companies (Nissan, Whole Foods) and a doctor of chiropractic. Thu, 09 May 2024 20:21:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jasmin smithe Wed, 17 Aug 2016 14:16:37 +0000 If like myself you enjoy the bountiful aroma of our own glorious Ass-Gass then try a device like i do, it can hold 3 litres of concentrated butt fumery, nice”.
Always use glass jars, aluminum cans or ceramic tubes for storing farty fumes, as these materials hold our precious gas longer for future sniffing and general long-term storing.
PLEASE NOTE: Glass also cures the collected ass gasses into a very rare, powerful and mystical compound called dimethoxy-3-pentahydroxy-4methanate-5-6-ethoxy-3-butryl-4-carboxylnitrophenylaminosuccidiedinepyro-5-6-valpro-2-diethylamide-2-indol-hydro-53b -THIS IS THE CROWN JEWEL, AND MAKES LSD FEEL LIKE TAP-WATER, Be very careful!.
Female farts are famously potent, more so than men’s, lady-farts contain valuable flavanoids and essential muffanoids that excite the palette, stimulate mucous productions of lactic acid and methane from membranes and induce a pleasant state of euphoria, high does via a tube are extremely hallucinogenic/narcotic.
Extreme doses of lady farts can sometimes
The stale cheesy ones can be euphoric and antioxidant, but the beefy ones have a definite narcotic effect if collected a via custom made hydraulic hoover-tube, this allows concentrated amounts of nitrogen and sulfur rich lady farts to be delivered instantly into the bloodstream, Wow -blast-off!.
I also enjoy collecting fart fumes after eating nuts and apple cider vinegar for that extreme hallucinogenic, enanthogenic feeling..

By: Cyril Mohammed Zifftguzzle 3rd. Sun, 14 Aug 2016 18:35:48 +0000 Hello, I just love inhaling my fart fumes, those hot succulent, aromatic eggy fart fumes are simply sublime to sniff.
Sometimes they are nice and beefy with a pleasant smokey texture and underlying eaty composition, women’s farts are stale and cheesy, at high doses they can cause hallucinations, hallucinations that can be visual, auditory, olfactory and even tactile. Please be very careful if like myself -you thoroughly enjoy inhaling “dead hamster” lady farts via a custom made hydraulic vacuum tube, this facilitates better inhalations and a more intoxicating narcotic/hypnotic kinda gig, perfect with friens or family at night..
Dog farts are highly toxic and very noxious, if inhaled -they can cause permanent insanity, webbed-fingers, cardiovascular disease and even sclerosis of the liver at even moderate reacreational doses, please be safe guys..

By: brian Thu, 21 Apr 2016 00:48:29 +0000 In reply to ShineHarder.

… Brazilian jiu jitsu actually awakens the chi in your body… when I started practising kung fu, I would sweat buckets of water… my sensei told me it was the chi being awakened… upon further study, the chi can actually produce gas when stimulated in the same way… I take enteric coated peppermint oil… it cleans up the gut and makes your farts smell like peppermints… keep going with the jiu jitsu , your problem will eventually correct itself…

By: brian Thu, 21 Apr 2016 00:42:55 +0000 In reply to Sarah Brown.

…try taking enteric coated peppermint oil… it cleans up the gut… and within a week, your farts will smell of peppermints… just follow the directions on the bottle…

By: Sarah Brown Fri, 12 Feb 2016 18:01:56 +0000 I have a question if someone has been dairy, egg, and gluten free for 4-5months and now it doesn’t matter what is eaten with in 15 minutes they are passing the most foul sulfur smelling gas ever. What would be the recommendation? It could literally range from eating a small snack to eating a meal and they have the worst gas, no bloating or pain cause it just comes out. What is going on in their system?

By: Dickson Fri, 12 Feb 2016 15:25:03 +0000 No mention in this article about the significant source of my gas: Ascaris lumbricoides a giant roundworm parasite.

By: ShineHarder Wed, 10 Feb 2016 21:48:44 +0000 my wife always complains about my gas. I must be in denial. When I finally completely cut out all dairy from my diet my gas cut down immensely. It wasn’t until I started Brazilian Jiu Jitsu that I actually started to take the root cause of my gas.
