Grapefruit Cellulite Cream- Dr. Axe

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Grapefruit Cellulite Cream


Grapefruit Cellulite Cream - Dr.Axe

Cellulite Creams can be expensive and full of chemicals! Instead, try this grapefruit cellulite cream recipe! Coconut oil will help hydrate the skin while grapefruit essential oil contains large amounts of the anti-inflammatory enzyme bromelain, which helps break down cellulite.

Try this DIY coffee scrub in the shower first, and then apply this homemade cellulite cream

Note: Citrus essentials oils are highly concentrated and are full of healthy acidic properties. Because of this, we recommend you use glass containers when storing them so they do not eat away any of the plastic.

Grapefruit Cellulite Cream

Total Time: 2 minutes
Serves: 30



  1. Mix grapefruit essential oil and coconut oil together
  2. Store in glass container
  3. Rub into areas of cellulite for 5 minutes daily

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  1. Luanda on

    Is Grapefruit Seed Extract different from Grapefruit oil? It’s what I have on hand. If it’s not the same, I’ll use the grapefruit essential oil. I just need to know where to get it. Health food store?

  2. Pat on

    Since grapefruit essential oil is an natural inflammatory, would this be a good cream to use for pain from inflammation? How would this differ from deep blue?

  3. kimlee rojas on

    Were can I find the grapefruit oil and coconut oil. Thats not to exepencive but will work I live in kansas city mo.

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