DIY Hemorrhoid Cream with Turmeric & Tea Tree Oil - Dr. Axe

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DIY Hemorrhoid Cream with Turmeric & Tea Tree Oil


Hemorrhoid cream - Dr. Axe

No one wants to talk about embarrassing hemorrhoids, but they affect about 4 percent of U.S. adults. How you treat hemorrhoids depends on the severity of them, but in most cases, some basic care can offer much relief. Surgery and stapling are rare and usually for those with severe cases where topical treatment has not provided results.

The great news is that there are many hemorrhoid home treatments using natural ingredients. Also known as piles, let’s review what hemorrhoids are. There are two types. One type is called internal hemorrhoids and are the inflamed veins found inside the skin of the rectum area. The other is called external hemorrhoids and are found outside, next to the anus area.

It’s common to see that some external hemorrhoids protrude from the inside of the anal canal. These may be able to be pushed back into the canal; however, some cannot and are known as distended or prolapsed hemorrhoids. This can cause a lot of problems and discomfort, even causing obstruction of the passageway for bowel movements. Worse case, they can even cause blood clots known as thrombosed hemorrhoids. (1)

What causes these annoying, itchy protrusions? The veins around the anus area can get stretched under certain pressures causing bulging and swelling. This can happen from straining during bowel movements, sitting for extended periods of time on the toilet, chronic diarrhea or constipation, obesity, pregnancy, anal intercourse and a low-fiber diet. Hemorrhoids are more likely with aging because the tissues that support the veins in the rectum and anus can weaken and stretch. (2)

Now that you understand a little more about what may be causing anal discomfort, let’s create a home remedy for hemorrhoids! There are a few things you can do to provide immediate relief such as applying witch hazel, using a cotton ball, directly to the area. You can also relax in a sitz bath, which means you sit in a bath of warm water up to your hips. Do this for 10–15 minutes a day.


Meanwhile, you may prefer this DIY hemorrhoid cream. It’s simple to make and easy to apply, offering relief in no time.

DIY Hemorrhoid Cream

To make your DIY hemorrhoid cream, place the shea butter into a double boiler or a glass bowl that fits inside a pan. Be careful as it may get hot. Shea butter offers amazing healing benefits due to the vitamin E and vitamin A it contains, both of which help fight inflammation while reducing dryness and itching.

On a low setting, heat the shea butter slowly until it softens, then add the coconut oil and aloe vera, and blend well. And we know that benefit-rich coconut oil has taken the stage for a while now with its antibacterial qualities, helping to fight infection while also offering moisturizing comfort. Aloe vera is a perfect ingredient to offer soothing relief while healing. Aloe vera also helps reduce itching and inflammation, and has long been known to help with all sorts of skin conditions, from sunburn to psoriasis.

Now, add the apple cider vinegar and witch hazel. This fabulous duo makes all the difference when it comes to healing the skin. Both help fight inflammation, swelling, infections and skin irritations as natural astringents. Once you have added these ingredients, stir to blend.

Lastly, let’s add the essential oils. Lavender oil contains powerful antioxidants that help with numerous skin conditions by reducing inflammation. Tea tree essential oil is one of my favorite go-to’s for any sort of skin irritation. Tea tree has amazing antiseptic properties making it a perfect addition to this DIY hemorrhoid cream.

Turmeric essential oil is another amazing oil that provides pain relief by soothing inflamed skin and can help heal any fissures that may have developed.

Now that you have blended all ingredients, transfer them to a glass jar with a tight lid. Use twice daily for the best results. If you do not see results within a couple of weeks, or experience any unusual discomfort, seek the advice of your practitioner.

DIY Hemorrhoid Cream with Turmeric & Tea Tree Oil

Total Time: 10 minutes
Serves: makes about 6 ounces


  • 2 ounces shea butter
  • 2 ounces coconut oil
  • 1 ounce aloe vera gel
  • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon witch hazel
  • 10 drops lavender essential oil
  • 5 drops tea tree essential oil
  • 5 drops turmeric essential oil


  1. Place the shea butter into a double boiler (you can use a glass bowl in a pan. Be careful as it will get hot).
  2. Heat slowly until the shea butter softens, then add the coconut oil. Blend well.
  3. Add the remaining ingredients. Blend again.
  4. Place into a glass jar with a tight lid.
  5. Rub onto the affected area twice daily — once in the morning and again at night.

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  1. Elroy on

    This is a fantastic recipe, but it does separate after it cools. I made mine in a pint jar and once cooled it did separate, I then shook it vigorously which turned into a creamy texture.

  2. Lisa on

    Thanks. Tired of spending ridiculous amounts of money on tiny tubes that do nothing but cost money and have minimal effects.
    Not a big fan of lavender on my body .Can you add for tumeric oil?

  3. Holly on

    Prepared this recipe as written using a mason jar in hot water on the stovetop. Also used a mixer to keep it blended with cooling. Tremendous relief with the fix application. I would highly recommend this recipe to anyone needing relief.

  4. Luke on

    I have seen and heard of amazing and quick results alleviating hemorrhoids by squatting while evacuating instead of sitting on a toilet. I’m sure there is a lot of neat anatomical features working together in this position. An article to start some research is 1987 Sikirov, Israel Journal of Medicine. 18 out of 20 hemorrhoid patients had full recovery just by squatting instead of sitting at the toilet (the other two had previously undergone “ligation” therapy for their conditon, which may have done irreversible damage.) Just a note, the potty stool probably helps, but I am talking about full squat, where your weight is entirely born by your feet.

  5. Margaret Cordova on

    Dr. Axe I used plain Shea butter on my red inflamed dermatitis face and it calmed it down immediately. So I am sure this recipe will work for hemorrhoids. Thank you so very much, I used the 2 ingredients of Shea butter and coconut butter on my rectum and got amazing results! Can’t wait to pick up other ingredients to make this!

  6. Margaret Cordova on

    Dr. Axe I used plain Shea butter on my red inflamed dermatitis face and it calmed it down immediately. So I am sure this recipe will work for hemorrhoids. Thank you so very much, I used the 2 ingredients of Shea butter and coconut butter on my rectum and hot amazing results! Can’t wait to pick up other ingredients to make this!

  7. Alicia on

    This sounds like a great mixture overall, but how did you get the ingredients to mix together since it’s using both oil and water based ingredients?? Without an emulsifier, they will separate. I did try making it tonight for someone, but I cooled the mixture and am going to whip it, since I’ve had great success with similar recipes in the past. I’m really hoping this helps my person quickly. Thank you for the recipe.

  8. Jenny on

    Dr Axe has your back in any given health concern with great scientific explanation of condition and natural way to treat! Dr Axe, you are my go to doc!

    Thank you!

    • Margaret Cordova on

      He’s absolutely awesome! His recipes are just wonderful! He’s helped me so much…I never knew she’s butter contained vitamin A and E. That’s why it helped my dermatitis.

  9. Kate on

    Thank you so very much for all of this. I’ve done much homework on this subject, and your information is top-notch.
    After developing an intolerance to a prescribed steroidal medication, I’m now trying your DIY mixture. So far, it’s helping to relieve the pain. I feel happier. (Is that possible?) The swelling has not abated yet, but I’ll keep you posted.
    I’m hoping that this along with my significantly altered diet will put hemorrhoidal tissue inflammation into extinction.

  10. chen on

    Come on guys. Just use a squat stool. We use it here at the nursing home:

    • Wayne on

      I encouraged my wife many years ago to use apple cider vinegar to help her loose weight. She told me she couldn’t use it because it inflamed her hemorrhoids. I laughed. I kept using it and before long I had the worse case of hemorrhoids (something I had never had before in my life). I stopped using the vinegar and they went away. I’m serious!!!

      • Sylvi on

        Really?! There’s even a book full of the health uses of A.C.Vinegar! It’s unlike all other vinegars.Dr.Axe has included it in his cream recipe too…?

    • Oscar on

      Arla, sorry to comment late but Incase you read this just place the mixture in the fridge or freezer for about 30 minuets and it should harden up.

  11. Dave on

    I noticed some OTC remedies include a warning for high blood pressure. My doc said this is due to a vaso-constrictor? ingredient or something like that. There is also one that has a so called cooling gel. I have no disease or restrictions but I’m curious if one of the recipes might be a better alternative.

  12. Andrew on

    Thanks for sharing those great tips for healing hemorrhoids. I’ve been using an Aloe Vera plant for about four decades now, for many of my burns and injuries; coincidentally, it’s also exceptionally soothing and works like magic, in reducing the swelling, soreness, and sensitivity of hemorrhoids. Ususally, by the very next day, my painful anus, is back to smiling once again. :)

    • brenna on

      not sure where u have the issue and you are going to think i am crazy, but just want to offer help…. for my lil one with thrush (terrible outbreak) the pediatrician said to use dawn dish soap, NOT the ultra dawn that is concentrated, THIS WILL NOT WORK, you have to get the cheap old ORIGINAL strength blue dawn! i found you can usually find at dollar stores now, it was kinda hard to find, then i checked the dollar store, but it honestly worked !!! just put a small amt on the sore areas with a Qtip. not sure why but it works… google it, maybe there is a recipe with the dish soap in it ??? perhaps bathing with it might help other affected areas… ??? hope to help!

      • brenna on

        glad i looked ! its NOT straight dish soap, heres the recipe i found…

        My peds office had us mix into a clean jar 4 oz water, 1/4 tsp baking soda, and 2 drops dawn dish soap. Apply inside babies mouth 4x per day with a q-tip. Store in refrigerator. Repeat for 1 week. Sounds weird but it does work!

  13. mjessie on

    Thank you Dr. Axe for this ingredients. I succeed to make this hemorrhoids cream at home, I didn’t have tumeric oil but I put fresh tumeric drops.
    I just applied now and I will give you feedback how it will work.
    Thanks thanks.

  14. howard H Lioe on

    Dear Dr. Josh Axe.

    Could I buy Haemorrhoid cream from you instead of making myself ? If I could buy from you Dr how much do you charge for one bottle , I am 67 years old men and have been suffering
    from Haemorrhoid for more than 20 years .,

    • Amy on

      If you’re still suffering…try a company called Healing Bottoms. They’ve helped a lot of long time sufferers with their turmeric products. Really great customer service too. Good luck. Hemorrhoids are terrible .

  15. Brynn Almonte on

    Am very interested to listen to your webinar but not available on Friday. Can I make a raincheck for next time? My Dgtr would love to hear it too.


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