Homemade Baking Soda Shampoo - Dr. Axe

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Homemade Baking Soda Shampoo


Baking soda shampoo - Dr. Axe

Baking soda has long been a home remedy for so many things, but did you know that baking soda is a great way to clean your hair?

Regarding conventional shampoos, there are numerous chemicals in them which may actually damage your hair over time. In fact, of the 10,500 chemical ingredients used in the personal care products, only 11 percent have been assessed for health and safety. While not every brand contains all these chemicals, simply reviewing the label can tell you what you need to know.

A recent study reports that specific chemicals found in many shampoos, including antimicrobial agents, surfactants and preservatives, can all impair different aspects of hair health. These chemicals can seep into your body through your skin and scalp creating other damaging effects. However, why not avoid these chemicals and make your own right at home? With this baking soda shampoo featuring lavender oil, you can have beautiful hair without all the chemicals! (1) (2)

This recipe is so simple and can give your hair body and volume without stripping your scalp of its much needed natural oils. At first, you may notice that your hair is a bit oilier than usual. Give it a little time to adjust and balance. Also, because you are used to the foaming action of most shampoos, this method may seem odd at first. Give it time and you will love the results.

So let’s get started making your at home baking soda shampoo!


You can mix this right in your bottle. Double the recipe if you want to make more. Place the baking soda in the bottle. Baking soda is great because it helps remove impurities. Once those impurities are removed, your hair will have way more volume! Baking soda is a natural mineral natron known as nahcolite. Used since ancient times, the natron in baking soda contains large amounts of sodium bicarbonate, which acts as a natural deodorizer and cleanser.

Next, add the water and shake well. You want to make sure the water is purified water to eliminate toxins that may be present. To do this, simply boil the water for one minute. Then, allow it to cool. (4)

Now, add the lavender essential oil. Lavender is a favorite of mine due to the relaxation that I get from using it not to mention the nice scent it provides. As well, lavender is an antioxidant which helps eliminate toxins and chemicals. 

Once all ingredients are in the bottle, make sure to tightly screw on the cap and shake well until blended.

You can now try your new DIY baking soda shampoo. Just put a small amount into your palm, then work into the hair and scalp just like you normally shampoo. Gently massage it into the hair and scalp, then allow it sit for a minute or two before rinsing it.

You may want to try this homemade conditioner after using your baking soda shampoo.


The hair is usually in the neighborhood of 4.5–5 pH level. Baking soda can be highly alkaline in nature; therefore, do not overuse, as it can result in the hair becoming brittle and weak. 

Homemade Baking Soda Shampoo

Total Time: 5 minutes
Serves: About 8 ounces


  • ¼ cup baking soda
  • ¾ cup purified water
  • 10 drops lavender essential oil
  • clean shampoo bottle


  1. Place the baking soda in the bottle.
  2. Add the purified water. Shake well.
  3. Add the lavender. Shake again making sure all ingredients are well blended.
  4. Gently massage a dollop or two into the hair and scalp.
  5. Rinse well.

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  1. Jill Meredith on

    if I use the cloves and rice water on my hair and cover with a shower cap letting it soak in overnight then wash my hair the next morning with the baking soda will that be too much for my hair???

  2. K on

    This works great on my hair! For reference, I have type 2B hair (wavy, oily at the roots and dry at the ends, and quite frizzy)

    I also used Dr Axe’s recommendations for putting coconut oil to the ends (I apply when still wet) Also, I use the trending recommendation for my hair type and only wash it once a week.

    Looks like a great combo for me!

  3. Jaffasoft on

    I used nothing to wash my hair for 12 months and hair is fine. Perfectly fine. I have lived a freedom hippie lifestyle and swim in dirty clay dam water, rivers, the ocean. I make sure I run all the clay and dirt all over me and then wash it all off. I travel many places and always hang at the rivers and oceans and get as much different dirt bacteria on me as I can. Always run dirt on my skin if going to a new place and before swimming or during. The dirt or sand acts as an agent to wash and dirt off. Haven’t had a real shower for 12 months don’t use any chemicals what so ever. Actually, think I had one or two. But have got under surfer showers along the coast for cold shower sometimes but no chemicals.

  4. Maureen on

    I have some type of hormonal imbalance which causes oily scalp and shampoo my hair daily. Baking soda shampoo is not suitable for everyday use I guess. I have tried coconut lavender shampoo without castile soap and it left my hair greasy and wet. What’s your thoughts Dr. Axe on ‘natural shampoo’ advertised in amazon or different stores – please help!

    • Lili K on

      This is a very late reply, I hope you were able to solve your problem by now. For the others reading this, I used to have very oily hair too and solved the problem by washing it with ghassoul clay – since shampoos made my hair fall off. You won’t need to wash your head every day after applying ghassoul/rassoul clay for a while

  5. Daniels on

    If highly alkaline baking soda shampoo can cause hair to be weaker wouldn’t it then be a good idea to make it less alkaline by adding to that baking soda shampoo lemon juice so that its PH level would be lower?

    • Lili K on

      I would use it as a rinse after the wash – if I had to use the soda shampoo. A friend of mine told me the baking soda method didn’t suite her too well – her hair started to fall off.

  6. Wanda McCartney on

    Josh, Eureka. i found you. I am looking forward to getting healthier to include, hair, skin & nails I am Thyroid and hormone out-of-control; Rx adding to my issues. i have ordered #1 trio to get started. I am seeking to eliminate my thyroid condition – testimonies proven it can be done. I want to order Pure Bone Broth, however, would taking together be too much of the same supplements. I know Biotin will help my thinning and limp hair (it went from nice to drastic over night) So, will just one supplement be fine, or do I need to take several to help get my hair and nails back on track.
    Thank you for dedicating your time and research for our health and well being. You rock. :)

  7. Joann on

    How much would be considered overuse? You don’t give an amount to use. Does that mean too much at one time, or too much over time? Can you shampoo with this daily?

  8. Health Reflections Journal on

    I make all my own shampoos and conditioners as well as leave in conditioner. Here are my favorite recipes:

    African Black Soap Shampoo
    16 oz (2 cups) of water
    1 oz of herbs (optional. I use sage and comfrey for dark hair. Steep herbs in boiling water for 20 minutes and strain before adding back into the pan.)
    Add 1/3 cup of grated authentic African Black Soap – the raw kind made with Shea Butter. (I got mine on Amazon from Suds of Beauty. I grate mine on the fine side of the grater. If you try to replace this with normal bar soap it will not work properly).
    1 teaspoon of oil (jojoba, coconut, castor, or olive oil, OR essential oils of choice. 100 drops of essential oil is equivalent to one teaspoon. I use 50 drops of rosemary, 30 drops of lavender, 20 drops of basil).
    1 teaspoon of glycerine
    3 granules of cetyl alcohol (I got mine at Makingcosmetics.com)
    1/8 teaspoon of guar gum (Optional depending on whether you want it thickened. I use Bob’s Red Mill guar gum).

    Borax Shampoo: IMPORTANT NOTE: Borax shampoo only works if you pour it onto DRY hair.
    1 t. borax
    1 t. baking soda
    1/2 t. honey (optional)
    3 cups water

    Citric Acid Hair Conditioner:
    1/2 t. citric acid
    3 cups water

    I have a channel on youtube – check out Health Reflections Journal for more info!

  9. Kate on

    I have used baking soda for years and have lovely, clean, healthy hair. I use only 1/2 tsp dissolved into 2 cups water to avoid over drying. I spray my hair afterwards with 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar in 2 cups water. Lower concentrations are healthier for the hair.

  10. Amber on

    Wouldn’t the pH level of this recipe be too high and eventually be damaging to your hair? Even if you rinsed with a lower pH ingredient, wouldn’t it be too much in too short of a period of tomre and damage it?

    • Villeinesse on

      Essential oil is a bit complicated & takes a lot of material, but a simple Mason jar/slow cooker method with olive or avocado oil can get close. You’ll probably need to use more of it, since it will be less intense. Flowers & greens work well in lavender, but other species’ greens have no floral scent.


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