Rosemary Oil Benefits and Uses, Including for Hair Loss - Dr. Axe

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Rosemary Oil Benefits & Uses for Hair Growth and More


Rosemary oil - Dr. Axe

Rosemary is much more than an aromatic herb that tastes great on potatoes and roasted lamb. Rosemary oil is actually one of the most powerful herbs and essential oils on the planet!

Having an antioxidant ORAC value of 11,070, rosemary has some incredible free radical-fighting power.

This wooded evergreen native to the Mediterranean has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years to improve memory, soothe digestive problems, boost the immune system, and relieve aches and pains.

Rosemary oil benefits and uses just seem to keep increasing according to scientific studies, with some even pointing toward rosemary’s ability to have amazing anti-cancer effects on several different types of cancer. That’s not all, either.

What Is Rosemary Essential Oil?

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a small evergreen plant that belongs to the mint family, which also includes the herbs lavender, basil, myrtle and sage. Its leaves are commonly used fresh or dried to flavor various dishes.


Rosemary essential oil is extracted from the leaves and flowering tops of the plant. With a woody, evergreen-like scent, rosemary oil is typically described as invigorating and purifying.

Most of rosemary’s beneficial health effects haven been attributed to the high antioxidant activity of its main chemical constituents, including carnosol, carnosic acid, ursolic acid, rosmarinic acid and caffeic acid.

Considered sacred by ancient Greeks, Romans, Egyptians and Hebrews, rosemary has a lengthy history of use for centuries. In terms of the some of the more interesting uses of rosemary throughout time, it’s said that it was used as a wedding love charm when it was worn by brides and grooms in the Middle Ages.

Around the world in places like Australia and Europe, rosemary is also viewed as a sign of honor and remembrance when used at funerals.

Rosemary Oil Benefits and Uses

Research has uncovered that rosemary essential oil is highly effective when it comes to many major yet common health concerns facing us today. Here are just some of the top ways that you may find rosemary essential oil to be helpful.

1. Discourages hair loss and boosts growth

Androgenetic alopecia, more commonly known as male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness, is a common form of hair loss that is believed to be related to a person’s genetics and sex hormones.

A byproduct of testosterone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is known to attack hair follicles, leading to permanent hair loss, which is a problem for both sexes — especially for men, who produce more testosterone than women.

A randomized, comparative trial published in 2015 looked at the effectiveness of rosemary oil on hair loss due to androgenetic alopecia (AGA) compared to a common conventional form of treatment (minoxidil 2%). For six months, 50 subjects with AGA used rosemary oil while another 50 used minoxidil.

After three months, neither group saw any improvement, but after six months, both groups saw equally significant increases in hair count. The natural rosemary oil performed as a hair loss remedy as well as the conventional form of treatment and also caused less scalp itching compared to the minoxidil as a side effect.

Animal research also demonstrates rosemary’s ability to inhibit DHT in subjects with hair regrowth disrupted by testosterone treatment.

To experience how rosemary oil for hair growth, try using my homemade DIY rosemary mint shampoo recipe.

2. May improve memory

There’s a meaningful quote in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” that points toward one of this herb’s most impressive benefits: “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance. Pray you, love, remember.”

Worn by Greek scholars to enhance their memory when taking exams, the mental strengthening ability of rosemary has been known for thousands of years.

The International Journal of Neuroscience published a study highlighting this phenomenon in 2017. Upon evaluating how the cognitive performance of 144 participants was affected by lavender oil and rosemary oil aromatherapy, University of Northumbria, Newcastle researchers discovered that:

  • “Rosemary produced a significant enhancement of performance for overall quality of memory and secondary memory factors.”
  • Probably due to its significant calming effect, “lavender produced a significant decrement in performance of working memory, and impaired reaction times for both memory and attention-based tasks.”
  • Rosemary helped people become more alert.
  • Lavender and rosemary helped produced a feeling of “contentment” in the volunteers.

Affecting much more than memory, studies have also known that rosemary essential oil may help treat and prevent Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Published in Psychogeriatrics, the effects of aromatherapy were tested on 28 elderly people with dementia (17 of whom had Alzheimer’s).


After inhaling the vapor of rosemary oil and lemon oil in the morning, and lavender and orange oils in the evening, various functional assessments were conducted, and all patients displayed significant improvement in personal orientation in relation to cognitive function with no unwanted side effects.

Overall, the researchers concluded that “aromatherapy may have some potential for improving cognitive function, especially in AD patients.”

3. Boosts liver health

Traditionally used for its ability to help with gastrointestinal complaints, rosemary is also a fantastic liver cleanser and booster. It’s an herb known for its choleretic and hepatoprotective effects.

In case you’re not impressed, let me define these two qualities.

First, being described as “choleretic” means that rosemary is a substance that increases the amount of bile secreted by the liver. Hepatoprotective means the ability of something to prevent damage to the liver.

Animal research reveals that rosemary and olive leaf extracts provide liver-protective benefits to animal subjects with chemically induced liver cirrhosis. Specifically, the rosemary extract was able to inhibit the unwanted functional and tissue changes to the liver that result from cirrhosis.

4. Helps lower cortisol

A study was conducted out of the Meikai University School of Dentistry in Japan that evaluated how five minutes of lavender and rosemary aromatherapy affected the salivary cortisol levels (the “stress” hormone) of 22 healthy volunteers.

Upon observing that both essential oils enhance free radical-scavenging activity, researchers also discovered that both greatly reduced cortisol levels, which protects the body from chronic disease due to oxidative stress.

This cortisol-lowering effect doubles as a stress-relieving effect, as shown by research, since cortisol is the stress hormone, as noted above.

5. Holds cancer-fighting properties

In addition to being a rich antioxidant, rosemary is also known for its anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.

One of rosemary’s main active components is carnosol. According to an article published in the journal Cancer Letters, “Carnosol has been evaluated for anti-cancer property in prostate, breast, skin, leukemia, and colon cancer with promising results.”

In addition, carnosol appears to have “a selective toxicity towards cancer cells versus non-tumorigenic cells and is well tolerated when administered to animals.”

An article published in the journal Nutrients in 2016 notes that rosemary extract has been shown to exhibit anti-cancer properties in vitro for the following cancers:

  • Colon cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Cervical cancer
  • Bladder cancer
  • Liver cancer
  • Lung cancer

6. May help relieve pain

Rosemary oil has been traditionally used to alleviate pain, particularly muscle and joint pain, and it’s shown promise as a natural analgesic.

Research suggests that rosemary oil’s analgesic effects may be attributed to its ability to inhibit the perception of pain by blocking the transmission of pain signals in the nervous system. A study published in the Journal of Occupational Health and Epidemiology found that topical application of rosemary oil significantly reduced pain and improved mobility in elderly patients with knee osteoarthritis.

In a two-week study involving stroke survivors with shoulder pain, those who received a rosemary oil blend with acupressure experienced a 30% reduction in pain, compared to only 15% in the control group.

Another study published in the Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research discovered that, when used topically, “menthol and rosemary can alleviate severity and frequency of recurrence of musculoskeletal pain in hemodialysis patients.”

7. Repels certain insects

Rosemary oil has demonstrated effectiveness in repelling harmful insects. Its strong aroma, rich in compounds like cineole and camphor, disrupts the sensory receptors of insects, making it difficult for them to locate hosts.

When sprayed on greenhouse tomato plants, a rosemary-oil-based pesticide reduced the population of two-spotted spider mites by 52%. It also showed the longest repellent effect against Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, which spread the Zika virus, with a 12.5% dilution repelling 100% of mosquitoes for 90 minutes.

Furthermore, a study published in 2021 found that rosemary oil was effective against mosquitoes and other insects, making it a potential alternative to synthetic repellents.

8. May increase circulation

Rosemary oil may improve circulation by stimulating blood flow. Enhanced circulation can support various bodily functions, including the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues.

Research shows that rosemary oil, when massaged into the skin, significantly increased local blood flow, suggesting its potential use in managing conditions associated with poor circulation.

Research also suggests that rosemary oil may aid blood circulation by widening blood vessels. In a study involving a woman with Raynaud’s disease, massaging her hands with a rosemary oil blend resulted in warmer fingers compared to a neutral oil.

These effects also may help in preserving skin health.

9. Combats mental fatigue

Rosemary oil has been shown to enhance cognitive function and combat mental fatigue. The oil’s stimulating effects on the central nervous system may improve focus, memory and alertness.

In one study, young adults exposed to rosemary oil while answering math questions demonstrated increased speed and accuracy in their responses. Another study found that inhaling rosemary oil could improve brain function in older adults with dementia, including those with Alzheimer’s disease.

Yet another study in the journal Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology found that inhalation of rosemary oil improved cognitive performance and mood, supporting its use in reducing mental fatigue.

10. Helps reduce joint pain and inflammation

Rosemary oil’s anti-inflammatory properties make it a popular choice for managing joint pain and inflammation, particularly in conditions like arthritis. The oil contains potent anti-inflammatory compounds, such as carnosol and rosmarinic acid, which help reduce inflammation and alleviate pain.

Preliminary evidence suggests that rosemary oil may help reduce tissue inflammation, potentially alleviating swelling, pain and stiffness.

Research has found that rosemary oil, when combined with other essential oils, significantly reduced joint pain and inflammation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

11. May help prevent food poisoning

Rosemary oil has antimicrobial properties that may help prevent foodborne illnesses by inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria in food. The oil’s active components, such as rosmarinic acid and carnosic acid, have been shown to possess antibacterial effects.

Studies have demonstrated that rosemary oil effectively reduced the growth of common foodborne pathogens like Salmonella and E. coli, making it a potential natural food preservative.

12. May increase effects of some antibiotics

Rosemary oil may enhance the effectiveness of certain antibiotics. The oil’s bioactive compounds can work synergistically with antibiotics, potentially increasing their potency against bacterial infections.

A study published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that rosemary oil, when combined with antibiotics, significantly increased their efficacy against resistant bacterial strains.

13. May weaken antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Rosemary oil’s ability to combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria is of growing interest, especially in the face of rising antibiotic resistance. The oil’s compounds may disrupt the mechanisms that bacteria use to resist antibiotics, making them more susceptible to treatment.

Research found that rosemary oil effectively weakened antibiotic-resistant bacteria, suggesting its potential role in addressing this global health concern.

How to Use

As you can see from the research, rosemary essential oil is can be used in a variety of ways. When it comes to implementing rosemary oil uses into your natural health regimen, the following do-it-yourself recipes are good places to start:

  • Improve Memory: Mix 3 drops of rosemary oil with 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil. Rub on upper neck, or diffuse for 1 hour a day.
  • Study Better: Are you or your child trying to memorize information for an upcoming test? Diffuse rosemary oil while studying to boost cognitive function and memory.
  • Hair Thickener: Try this Olive Oil Hair Treatment with Rosemary and Lavender, or you can also use the homemade rosemary mint shampoo recipe mentioned above, which is another great way to incorporate rosemary into your routine for a scalp and hair boost.
  • Boost Prostate Health: Mix 2 drops of rosemary oil with 1/2 teaspoon of carrier oil, and rub beneath testicles.
  • Reduce Pain: Mix 2 drops of rosemary oil, 2 drops of peppermint oil and 1 teaspoon of coconut oil, and rub on sore muscles and painful joints to increase circulation and decrease inflammation.
  • Help Neuropathy and Neuralgia: Take 2 drops of rosemary oil, 2 drops of helichrysum oil, 2 drops of cypress oil and 1/2 teaspoon of a carrier oil, and rub on area of neuropathy.

Where can you buy rosemary oil?

You can easily find rosemary oil in health stores or online.

It’s vital to know that not all essential oils are created equally. In fact, most of them are worthless to your health and often synthetic.

When buying essential oils like rosemary, always make sure they are 100 percent pure, therapeutic grade and organic.

Rosemary essential oil blends well with lavender, frankincense, cardamom, clary sage, cedarwood, lemongrass, geranium, chamomile and peppermint oils.

Risks and Side Effects

Always dilute rosemary oil with a carrier oil to avoid skin sensitivity. When using rosemary oil topically, avoid eyes, mucous membranes and any areas of sensitive skin.

Keep essential oils out of the reach of children and pets. Rosemary essential oil should not be used topically or diffused around children under the age of six.

Taking rosemary essential oil internally may interact with anticoagulant (blood-thinning) drugs, ACE, diuretics and lithium.

Talk to your doctor before using rosemary essential oil, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or if you have a medical condition.

Final Thoughts

  • Rosemary oil is extracted from the rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) plant, which is the same plant that gives us the culinary herb.
  • When buying rosemary essential oil, always looking for one that is 100 percent pure, therapeutic grade and organic.
  • Scientific research demonstrates rosemary oil’s ability to help with many common and chronic health concerns, including hair loss, liver function, elevated cortisol levels, stress, cognitive function, and memory problems like Alzheimer’s and dementia.
  • Studies point toward rosemary’s ability to help fight many different types of cancer, including colon, pancreatic, breast, prostate, ovarian, cervical, bladder, liver and lung cancers.

More Essential Oils
