Homemade Colon Cleanse with 3 Juices - Dr. Axe

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Homemade Colon Cleanse with 3 Juices


Homemade colon cleanse - Dr. Axe

Many people suffer from chronic constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut and other issues with the digestive system. Because the colon has an important job of eliminating waste, it’s critical that you keep it running smoothly.

Fortunately, there are things you can do to help alleviate discomfort associated with toxins and digestion issues in the body, such as a juice cleanse with certain ingredients that make it a homemade colon cleanse. I have shared details about why a colon cleanse is important, but what’s great is that you don’t need to see a doctor about it — and can make your own colon cleanser right at home.

A homemade colon cleanse can help flush out some of the toxins in your body that could be contributing to your discomfort and also offer natural relief from constipation. Just plan a day when you do not need to leave home so that you are able to adjust to the colon cleansing changes in your body and the elimination of waste as you begin the detox and internal cleansing process.

Homemade Colon Cleanse Recipe

Let’s get started making this great homemade colon cleanse. You will need a tall glass and a spoon. To start, place 3.5 ounces of purified water in a pan. You want to warm the water, not boil it, so that you can drink the water at a safe temperature.

Once it is warm, pour it into your glass. Then add the sea salt, often part of a salt water flush, and stir. The sea salt will help release toxins, pushing waste through the body and ultimately improving digestion.

Now, add the apple juice, ginger juice and fresh lemon juice. Stir.

Does apple juice make you poop? Well, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” may not be specific to the colon but it did come from the idea that whole foods, such as the nutrition-rich apple, brings good health and a healthy colon definitely yields good health. In fact, a study shows that those who ate an apple a day had less visits to the doctor and fewer prescription medications. (1)

Ginger is great because it reduces bloating while stimulating the colon, keeping it free from wastes and harmful toxins. And let’s not forget about the amazing lemon! Lemon juice aids in digestion, detoxification and is high in vitamin C, making it a great antioxidant — it’s why it plays such a key role in my Secret Detox drink.

How to Do the Colon Cleanse

Drink this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Then have this mixture again just before a light lunch, preferably of steamed vegetables and baked salmon, and again mid-afternoon.

Have 6–8 glasses of room temperature water throughout the day. It may be best to slow down the consumption of liquids after 5 p.m. so that you are not awakened in the night, with having to go to the bathroom.


Performing this type of colon cleanse should not present any problems; however, it is always good to check with your doctor if you are pregnant, have a disease, suffer from allergies or are taking any prescriptions medications prior to any new activity.

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Homemade colon cleanse - Dr. Axe

Homemade Colon Cleanse with 3 Juices

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  • Author: Dr. Josh Axe
  • Total Time: 5 min
  • Yield: 1 1x


A homemade colon cleanse can help flush out some of the toxins in your body that could be contributing to your discomfort and also offer natural relief from constipation. This recipe is both easy and effective!


  • ½ cup 100 percent pure organic apple juice
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon ginger juice
  • ½ teaspoon sea salt
  • ½ cup warm purified water


  1. Start with a tall glass and a spoon.
  2. Place 3.5 ounces of purified water in a pan. You want to warm the water, not boil it, so that you can drink the water at a safe temperature.
  3. Once it is warm, pour it into your glass. Then add the sea salt and stir.
  4. Add the apple juice, ginger juice and fresh lemon juice. Stir.
  5. Drink first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Then have this mixture again just before a light lunch, and again mid-afternoon.


Usually a one-day cleanse is sufficient to clean your colon.

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  1. Julie S. on

    This worked perfectly. I used a juicer (3 apples, 1 lemon, chunk of ginger). After the first cup at bedtime, all was cleansed. I had enough juice for a second cup in the morning but didn’t need it!

  2. Cristina on

    I didn’t understand about how much to drink this in a day. You said 3x/day… are we supposed to divide the recipe and consume it in a 3x/day, or make it fresh for every time we drink it? Thanks!

  3. Jod Roger on

    I took a pink lady, apple cord it cut it up, boiled it slightly and boiled ginger tea and I did everything else like you said except I had a half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar

  4. Ingrid on

    I did this colon cleanse by using my own fresh apple juice from a juicer, I put the ginger in a mortar and pestle while ginger was in a nut milk bag and then squeezed the ginger after grinding. It took quite a bit of ginger to get the teaspoon of ginger juice. I had no breakfast and a light lunch. I found I was dehydrated as the last few days before this colon cleanse I hadn’t drunk enough water, so after no bowel movements from the morning juice, I started drinking more water – I recommend drinking a lot of water- at least 2 litres in addition to the juices. I found it only worked well for me in addition to doing my own water enema by using an enema kit – use only body temperature pure filtered water for this. So I was clean enough for the colonoscopy by using this diet in addition to doing 2 water enemas at home. Much better than using shop bought bowel cleansers with neurotoxin Aspartame in it.

  5. timothyferriss on

    While some people may find relief from digestive discomfort with such cleanses, individual results can vary, and it’s important retro bowl to prioritize safety and well-being.

  6. Rena on

    Omg…..this is the best colon cleanse recipe that I used to prep for my colonoscopy.
    That Citric magnesium junk that’s given to cleanse,is the worst ever.
    This recipes ingredients, taste good and is an easy recipe and tolerable to drink.
    I’ll say 15 to 20 mins after consuming, all the brown was gone… nothing but gold color appeared, that’s what the Dr want..

  7. Gumby on

    You are missing several important things.

    1. You say to drink on an empty stomach but then don’t say if I can have breakfast.

    2. What if I don’t have sea salt? Does kosher or Himalayan work? Table salt? What is so special about SEA salt?

    • Carol on

      It has to be unadulterated, and non iodized. Salts like celtic grey are my preferred due to all the minerals I will absorb from it.

    • Virginia on

      I would think not. Essential oil is too concentrated. Even one drop would be too heating and possibly irritate your stomach. You could possibly substitute the juice for a peeled two inch piece of ginger, crushed or pureed with a couple tablespoons of water. You can strain out the fibers through a cheesecloth.

  8. Tia on

    Re-comments about how to get FRESH ginger juice… use a traditional Chinese marble stone herb crusher; wash the ginger skin and keep it on with the crushing cos the ginger is “hot” [for inner body] and the skin is “cool” [for inner body] so they are like Yun & Yang effect and as well as the best effect using ginger. Cut a few semi-long cubes like half of a finger size or whatever make sense to you and start pressing. It only takes a few minutes and easily to get a teaspoon full in this way, . I would post a picture if I could. Hope this helps.
    Dr. Axe, thank you so much for your awesome stuff, much appreciated.

  9. David Wilson on

    I use garlic honey and lemon (tincture) and I drink water with bicarb . This works for me but takek 4 days ( for me) to get fully through the system . I also fast fir 24 hrs and only eat one healthy ish meal a day whilst doing it .

  10. Phyllis strawder on

    I done the cleanse for one day did not make me go to the bathroom you said one day is sufficient for a colon cleanse

  11. Brenda Shaw on

    I hope this really work because I do stay constipated and I do take Holland tests every year my mama died with Colleen cancer so I’m trying to keep my cold and clean so I hope this will be worth and thank you for it

  12. Charmaine Osbourne on

    Hi! Knowing that I have a high blood pressure issue, will the salt further elevated my situation? Is there a substitute in place of the sea salt?
    I awaits your answer.

  13. Lawrence Fernandes on

    I m drinking 3tbsp ACV in 16 oz warm water everyday 1st in the morning after doing the coconut oil.pulling.

    Can this also cleanse the colon

  14. Daisy padilla on

    Your products are amazing, helps me with me gout and digestion problems
    I also bought the probiotics
    Thanks DR axe

  15. Linda M. on

    Hi Dr. Axe. I sure do LOVE your web site, especially all of the wonderful information for a healthy body/healthy life. I have SIBO, with a setback since Feb., 2021(after 1 wk of clindamycin…(NEVER again) for protection of a recent hip replacement. A Trio Breath Test found high levels of Hydrogen sulfide and methane. I am on a “bowel regime”, using Colace, Magnesium 1 gm. HS, and titrated MagO7 caps. Much improved from the horrific constipation from the Methagenic bowel Feb.-April 2021. Rx for the SIBO setback has been use of xifaxin/Allicin. On my 3rd round. Also, Rx for re-occurence of Estrogen/Progesterone Breast Cancer 3rd time…on Exemestane… just started. I also get weekly Acupuncture for my illnesses, and now, “ear bead Rx” for the Breast Cancer. Should I do this colon cleanse, or check with my Integrative MD? Also, I have Angry Gut, but have been hesitant to start your recommendations, as I am already on a plan of both pre/pro-biotics; LDN. I had a DVT R forearm Dec., 2020, but now we know it is from the Cancer., as it is in the R clavicular node, R subclavian artery, Carotid artery, Jugular vein, Trapezius muscle. On Xarelto. Plasma Profile has been an issue for last 5 years, but almost NML now with IGG/IGA, no sign of monoclonal protein from 6/2021 labs. I have a very long Health Hx and 36 allergies. I suppose you would need more info, but I am limited here, as you know. I am borderline osteoporosis and take AlgaeCal/Strontinum 4 yrs…it has improved my dexagram. I love your Bone Broth Collagen Protein Pwd to help maintain my diet, which can be difficult to eat or drink when I have a SIBO setback. Also, love the Strawberry Lemonade Collagen drink!!! i am ALWAYS a very (+) minded person and a STRONG faith. Wonderful husband and great support. I am 71 y.o., but never looked or felt my age. Do you have any suggestions for me to take to my Integrative MD. She also, holds you in high regard. Linda

  16. Josephine on

    How many days do you drink this mixture. Someone asked but I didn’t see the response to the question and what are the side affects from drinking this everyday.

  17. Helen on

    How does one obtain that quantity of ginger juice? I tried a piece (in a garlic press) but it was too tough to release the juice. How else?

  18. ck Fanning on

    You do not mention eating breakfast. After drinking the first serving in the am, should we eat something or fast until lunch? Thanks!

  19. stacy neal on

    have chronic lyme disease but cannot use antibiotics, i’m convinced of leaky gut and i suspect colon issue as well, yeast infection, perhaps other fungal infections due to my exposure to mold, mildew, slim at jobs or where ive lived in the past. I need a drug in order to calm my body so i can “hopefully” digest what I eat. if i don’t i feel sick, in the past my body would tremble and twitch and whatever if I attempted to eat without the medication. Been on nystatin, over a month, know I need more, cant eat much, trying the bone broth but cant make it a day without eating something. will be seeing a gi guy next month. any tips for me would be helpfull. would like to do colon cleanse but body doesnt do well with lemon

    • Azeeta on

      You need to take oregano oil and maybe olive leaf extract as they are natural antibiotics.
      Look up groups on Facebook for lyme.
      If you have parasites try mimosa pudica and diatomaceous earth.
      Eat lots of greens and do green powder like wheatgrass juice powder. Reshi mushroom powder and ashwaganda for imunity.

    • Keith Barclay on

      I see the post being from 2019 but maybe this will help someone in the future. Lyme disease needs to be treated like a parasite infection and Candida over growth. From the article I read and the experience my aunt had and the experience this other person had that described what my aunt was experiencing and then that person said what to do and not do. Antibiotics destroy good and bad bacteria in your body. By taking it to counter the Lyme disease you only do harm to yourself by allowing Candida to take over. Then you get the IBS that comes after the or during the antibiotics. And then from that point forward you have food allergies not realizing the antibiotics did that to you. And didn’t do much for the Lyme disease. I have to reread what this lady wrote to give detailed explanation but treat the Lyme disease like a parasite infection. And then find alternatives to antibiotics or anything that kills your good bacteria. You don’t want to kill off the bacteria that’s battling the Lyme and the Candida. I wanna say you starve the Lyme disease out from sugar and junk foods. But it’s been a time since I read up on it. My aunt still has problems going on for a decade now. Because my family still trusts pharmaceuticals and old school medical procedures as apposed to cleaning up your environment you live in. The air you breath. The water you drink. And the chemicals you knowingly or unknowingly expose yourself to. Also no likes to be told to stop eating sugar. I try. But they think I’m a Looney. Sadly I’ve lost two uncles now because of their thinking and not once tried anything I was saying about cleaning their bodies and their home from toxins. In all honesty if you just cut out sugar entirely and can get more oxygen into your blood and lower your bodies ph to be more alkaline then you’ll be ailment free. IMO. But like everyone says around me, what the heck do I know I’m not A doctor. I just read and watch and take mental notes on peoples health. I’ve been sick once and I mean the sniffles for 3 days in over 10 years. Your body tells you when it needs extra care and bed rest. I usually start by telling people to elimanatr eating from the freezer. In respect to tv dinners and microwave dinners. Rule of thumb and yea there are exceptions to this but for the most part the longer it takes to prepare a meal the healthier it will be for you. So If you’re using a microwave and hitting three minutes then that would be considered a short prep time therefore unhealthy. And furthermore microwaves indirectly cause cancer and I’m not Talking about sticking your head in the window to watch the popcorn bag get bigger. Don’t do that. Don’t use them ever. But they contribute to cancer by devoiding your foods of all nutrients. The longer it’s nuked the more nutrients get destroyed. Thereby indirectly contributing to cancer by not giving your body the needed nutrition to fight off cancer cells. Everyone should read the book bechamp or pasteur and your eyes will open.

  20. Mohamed Mekkawi on

    Thanks for your 3-fruit & salt colon flush. For ginger (recurrent ? by your clients), I use 1 tsp organic fine ginger powder (Starwest-botanicals.com), which I steep for 10 min in the recipe’s 1/2 cup water to release the oil. Right after drinking your 3-juice mixture, and to protect tooth enamel, I swish with 1 cup warm water with 1/4 tsp baking soda added.

  21. Constance Williams on

    DELICIOUS! I recently used my reward points to try the chocolate/greens protein bar; they are DELICIOUS. I just placed an order for three more boxes and have been sharing them with my friends who are planning on buying them. Rich and chocolatey gooey, they are truly satisfying, who knew greens went with chocolate. I eat a good breakfast of scrambled eggs made with olive oil and a side of spinach most days and have found that one bar is enough for lunch for me. I drink my collagen gut restore cucumber/lime flavor during the day and matcha tea. Thanks for making these products, and I enjoy reading the information emails I have learned so much. Most of all, my stomach feels the best, much less bloating, and I am getting many compliments about my skin. I am 60 years old.

  22. Carla Brett on

    To Erin A. Who has Interstitial Cystitis: your comment is from 2016, and its now Nov. 2019, but I just have to tell you that I am almost back to normal after having IC for many years. I’ve been taking LDN – Low Dose Naltrexone for over a year and it’s gradually wiped out the pain and also helped with the frequency. You can email me if you want to know more about it. Carla – [email protected].

  23. Ka on

    Ready to give this a go. Having a gut not completely emptying is “No fun”! I have every thing but. The apple juice! May try without the apple juice the first time!

  24. Isabel Salas on

    May The Lord Jesús blessed, you for your kidneys and helps out for our better health, with simple remedies that we have day by days at home, so thanks once’s again , Dr Josh Axe.

  25. Diana on

    If you are supposed to drink this 3x a day. Do you triple this recipe? I’m guessing as it says 1 serving.
    Do you have to make it fresh each time or can you make it for the day, store in refrigerator and then lightly warm when you need to drink it.

  26. Annie B on

    Hi Dr Axe
    Thank you for all the wonderful emails with all the great healthy information
    Good Wishes to you and your family

  27. Celeste on

    good day

    if I cant get hold of pure organic apple juice, will it still work if I just steam an apple, add the other ingredients, mush it with a hand blender and then eat/drink it?

    i love your site and video clips

  28. Dee on

    Hi Dr Axe, I have a question about the added amount of sea salt to this detox colon cleanse recipe.

    Will that amount affect and increase the blood pressure is this necessary to add and if so what is a good substitute?

  29. Sara Lugo on

    Juices are rich in anti-inflammatory compounds that may boost the immune system and help a person feel more energetic. I have recently read a article about ways to Maintain a Healthy Colon you can read it here:-http://bit.ly/2YxRaN6

  30. Irena on

    For one reason or another I cannot digest apple juice, (makes me sick, upsets my stomach) is there a chance this cleanse would work with grapefruit juice instead?

  31. Victoria on

    Hello please can you help How many days for an elderly person who is not on meds would you suggest .. thankyou

  32. Barbara on

    would appreciate input concerning ‘skin-tears’ the older I get the more painful & susceptible I become…soft clothes are comfortable but not a goodprotection – Many Thx, Barbara

  33. Lisa on

    A juice cleanse is not only about detoxing, but it’s also about the journey. A natural juice cleanse is an effective way to detoxify your body naturally. It is very easy and simple to detox your body naturally. The older we get, the more toxins we accumulate, so that even the smallest amounts have meaning. A life of longevity requires attention to exposure and a lifestyle of detoxification. A natural colon cleanse is an effective way to detoxify your body naturally. Nature-based supplements are also very useful for colon cleansing.I use bowtrol colon cleanse for cleansing my colon.

  34. olga chvykova on

    Making a clean juice is big deal, but could it be smoosy from all this fresh ingredients mixed in a blender

  35. Dave Bored on

    Wow. This information is really helpful to us. Thank you. I was wondering if someone here is looking for a product. Like Tea Detox. It’s popular now. I think the reason it’s popular because it’s effective. Just read this information if you’re interested >> http://tiny.cc/a3755y

  36. Stay healthy on

    I did this mixture 2 days ago and it really works…I didn’t use as much apple juice but it worked well for me. I also boiled fresh ginger in a little water and used it.I did it again today. It did kind of have my stomach hurting during the time I had to go but I was just happy to go as much as I did.

  37. Kathy on

    I’m wondering if anyone who has left comments like, can I eat during this cleanse and what are the amounts of ingredients to use, and my favorite the repeated question of can I use essential oils. Did you even read the full article?? Also try reading all of the Q&A from other people. No wonder the Doctor who gave this away for free quit answering questions. Read it in full you will find the answers and as
    always ask YOUR doctor before starting or doing something if you have problems or other health conditions.

  38. Lenn on

    Someone said do this everyday. You don’t want to do this everyday, you need to stay at home the day you do the cleanse. Are you going to stay at home everyday. I would do it once a week or once every other week.

    • Kathy on

      In reading many of these comments and questions it is apparent that people are not actually reading the article in full and many aren’t comprehending what they are reading.

    • Kathy on

      The small amount of salt used shouldn’t have that much of an effect but if you are on prescribed medications you soups always consult with your doctor first if you are concerned about the affects.

  39. Kavita on

    1) how many days course for this cleansing
    2) How many glasses in a day
    3) And how much break before you can restart this colon cleansing recipe again

  40. Kathy on

    Is this something you do every day for the rest of your life, or do you do this for 1 week, 2 weeks or just 1 day. I don’t see any instructions on this part of if

    • Kathy on

      It is a cleanse. Usually done when one is constipated or had other bowel issues. Consult with your doctor before trying something new our if you have health issues.

  41. Sr. Sara on

    For those asking about how to get the ginger juice. Buy fresh ginger from the market but not anything from China (no time to explain you can research). Clean a piece of ginger thoroughly removing all the dirt or grime. Using a spoon, gently peel away the ginger skin. Or you can keep the skin on for an extra spicy juice. The spoon prevents peeling too much skin AND pulp.

    Once you peel, grate ginger using a grater (or blend in blender with a little water) and add to a pot of water. Can’t tell you how much, use according to your preference. I make this often and give to my family so I use alot of ginger and water.

    I bring my ginger and water to a simmer then I turn off and allow to sit over night. Or I drink as a hot tea with lemon. I enjoy the ginger pulp in my tea and juice, but if you don’t like pieces of ginger, strain before using the ginger water.

    You can also just blend the ginger in a blender but you need some liquid or it will be more pulp than juice. Hope this helps.

  42. Jennie on

    So after drinking 4 glasses of this stuff and nothing happening, i discovered from other areas on this web site that the kind of sea salt is extremely important. I was using iodized sea salt and took the time to juice everything else myself. Would have been nice if he specified this in the recipe. So, FYI, use UN-IODIZED organic sea salt like Pink Himalayan or grayish-colored Celtic sea salt, not the store bought white stuff, per Dr Axe.

    • Kathy on

      FYI there isn’t IODIZED Sea Salt, because iodized salt is mined and is usually called table salt, sea salt is made from the boiling of sea water and does not contain iodine

  43. Lee on

    How many consecutive days should this colon detox be preformed to be successful in cleaning out the entire small/large colon.
    Also would it help to add 2 table spoons of Apple cider vinegar (with mother) to improve the cleanse?

    Thank you

  44. Mike o on

    Dr is perfect I call it sharp sharp cleanser I stomach infection my stomach always makes noise as I use this homemade mixture my shrink body have come back pls I have chronic staphylococcus for 15yrs now I too so many injection,harbs supplements pls help me Dr tell what to do or phone number to call you

  45. Harsh Agrawal on

    This drink is to be taken on empty stomach but whether before going to pass the stool of after. Please reply

    • KC on

      Are you using organic lemons? My son was tested allergic to peanut butter at regular clinic…I didn’t know & gave him a jar of organic peanut butter & he ate some & had no reaction…now he asks me for it.

  46. Bryson Stephens on

    Lately I have been doing a herbal parasite cleanse and I can’t take pills for a colon cleanse so I tried this and it works awesomely. I just do it a little differently. I put a whole crisp apple some ginger powder apple cider vinegar squeeze a half a lemon and blend them. The best part is it just taste like apple sauce and works so good

  47. Harini on

    I’ve eaten lots of slate pencils (chalk) and I’ve got quite little belly.. Can this colon cleanse help me with my problem?!!

  48. Gilda on

    I think this is good.Oh yes where will I buy ginger juice.Also how many days do I gave to do this cleansing.And czn I used this cleansing if I’m taking Lansoprazole and Adcal too.

  49. Steve Rossiter on


    I have suffered with IBS for approximately 20 years, I’ve managed it through diet and cutting down on alcahol and spicy foods. In the past few years I’ve been treated for Diverticulitus (3 times) and just finished medication. II’ve undergone all the tests going and I’m keen to learn more about how to keep your bowel healthy, so any information will be apprciated.



    • KC on

      Try his leaky gut diet. Use that diet for that condition and then any other condition/diet after that that applies to you. It was a whole different way of eating, but it made me feel so much better! Blood pressure normalized, lost some excess weight, energy went up, brain fog disappeared. Got the gut restore bone broth, & took whole food vitamins for my sex & age too. I thought I was eating right, but boy was I wrong! Feel so much better!

  50. Lisa J Fletcher on

    One of the biggest concerns in colon care is that all too often our diets are chronically low in fiber, which is vital to good bowel health. I use Bowtrol for my colon health. If you ask me where to buy bowtrol? I will say you can buy bowtrol online. To know more visit http://bit.ly/2lGFvZY

  51. Kristen on

    Just started this on empty stomach. Can you eat anything during the day when you’re doing this two time juice cleanse? Also just one day of it or continue for multiple days?

    • Mary on

      When I take aloe ginger and myrrh capsules they give me a wonderful clean out but then the colon feels raw…….how do I overcome this ?

  52. Basem on

    To get ginger juice, use the carrot juice machine, you can also squeeze the apple and half a lemon with it, this is as fresh as it can be

  53. riya on

    Here is a 7-day best natural colon cleanse diet plan to get rid of parasites and detox it completely. Colon cleanse diet will also help in weight loss by removing burning body fat. More Info: https://goo.gl/3y1vmb

  54. Josephine Higgins on

    Hi ……. I hope you can help me. I usually mix pink salt with ginger and lemon juice together as I have heard its really good for rosacea.I drink this mixture just before lunch and dinner but I am concerned about the quantity of each ingredient because it may be too strong. I have was diagnose with acne rosacea 4 years ago and I am now 53 years old. Could you please tell me how much of each ingredient I should be using,how much I should consume each time I take it and is it true that it’s beneficial for rosacea. I would really appreciate a reply .Thank you.

    • He don't care on

      To tell you all Since this Dr Axe don’t answer any bodies questions I think he is quack A knot head he just wants people to buy his stuff and not answer anything about what he tells people to do don’t trust someone who don’t respond to your questions

      • Meg on

        I was reading some hair stuff on his site, and he answered a lot of questions personally but all the activity was from 2010 I wonder if he is just done with this and it is up anyway

      • Mario on

        Dr. J. Axe is a “” BRILLIANT HOLISTIC LIFE SAFER”” . I am an 80 – year -old man-stage 4 (NHL) survivor; and Dr. Axe + other DRS. like him;have been of great help to me,thank GOD. NO DR. CAN ANSWER EVERY QUESTION………….HE GAVE THE RECEIPT…JUST FOLLOW IT !!!!!!! Your comments resemble a member of “”THE WESTERN MEDICAL MAFFIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If this is the case….REMEMBER….DR. J. AXE IS A “” HEALER””………NOT……A K I L L E R ! ! !

      • KC on

        He is not allowed to give individual advice. It’s a legality. He gives a lot of links to research & studies that have been done. I don’t think he’s a quack.

      • Phyllis on

        I don’t think that he sells any of the ingredients called for in the recipe. He obviously is making no profit from this information.

      • PM on

        He has probably answered your questions through all of the information he gives on a regular basis. You just need to read it. There’s so much information. I wouldn’t go dogging the guy like that, he is trying to make good products to help people. I hope you are wrong about him anyway.

    • Liz on

      I would get my allergies, intolerances and reactions checked by a naturopath that does Vega testing. Josephine. I found my rosacea related to my salicylate reaction.

    • Leah on

      I have had rosacea since I was in my late 20’s and I am now 50. I recently had a really bad flare up and the things I was using on my face was either not helping or making it worse. I went to the health food store and the lady in the health and wellness department recommended rose hip seed oil. A co-worker of mine gave me an aloe vera plant. I break off a piece of stem and gently rub the aloe vera on my face morning and night. After I apply the aloe vera, I apply the rose hip seed oil. Together, they are calming and moisturizing and my flare up is almost gone.

    • Theresa Velazquez on

      Cure for Rosacea. I have suffered with rosacea all my life. I finally found a cure. I use a very clean small white towel, fill the very clean bathroom sink with cold tap water. It stays there overnight. I have air conditioning going all day and night. I live in Florida. The A. C. Cools the water to cold by morning. When I wake up, first thing I do is wash my face with the wet towel. Wring it out first. NO SOAP. Do this 2 to 3 times at first. Then twice in am and pm. ALWAYS. RINSE the towel well. Release water, clean sink, fill with water again, repeat daily. Your Rosacea will be gone in a few days. But you must continue. Use a good moisturizer every morning and night. You will have NO WRINKLES ALSO. I am 70 years old and no one believes it. This is my humble secret. Only my sister and now you know it. It’s time I shared it. Good luck!
      Theresa Velazquez

      • Ingrid on

        This reminds of the 100 splashes of cold water every morning technique from the face yoga method. It does work.

  55. Peanut on

    Dr Axe, please help. I’m living in Ghana Africa, been here 1 1/2 yrs. I just starting finding a little pink trail on the outside of my underwear, not kidding. Went to the doctor who poured a bit of water on it and tested it with a paper urine tester. It was blood but it’s not coming from me (outside) of underwear. I’ve had a partial hysterectomy and haven’t bled in over 20 years. Tonight I found a tiny critter on the outside of my underwear a little smaller than a knat. I want to soak in boric acid maybe and do a colon cleanse and maybe a yeast suppository or colon suppository or all of the above. I’m so creeped out!! Not wonder I itch everywhere and I don’t feel good. Recommendations please?!? Thank you!!!

    • Debi Pawloski on

      If you are constipated or feeling ill, the best thing is to do a simple enema with warm water. Cara Brotman has a good video on you tube explaining how to do this yourself. The enema bags cost 10 dollars and are reusable. You can keep the toxins clear of the last 4 feet of your colon doing this twice monthly. So fast and cheap and beneficial. You’ll feel amazing.

  56. Ellen on

    ??? Dear Dr. Axe, just wanted to give you all the gratitude I have to give. I have been struggling for days, even years, with constipation. Yesterday I followed your simple instructions and this morning I feel amazing!!!

    • Janine on


      1/2 cup organic apple juice
      2 Tablespoons fresh lemon juice
      1 teaspoon ginger juice
      1/2 teaspoon sea salt
      1/2 cup warm, purified water

      Place 3.5 ounces of purified water in a pan. You want to warm the water, not boil it so you can drink the water at a safe temperature
      Once it is warm, pour it into a tall glass. Then add the sea salt and stir.
      Add the apple juice, ginger juice, and fresh lemon juice. Stir.
      Drink first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Then have this mixture again just before a light lunch, and again mid-afternoon.

    • Jody on

      If you read right to the bottom you’ll find the measurements, and incidentally the recipe. I don’t know why you wouldn’t.

    • Janine on


      1/2 cup organic apple juice
      2 Tablespoons fresh lemon juice
      1 teaspoon ginger juice
      1/2 teaspoon sea salt
      1/2 cup warm, purified water

      Place 3.5 ounces of purified water in a pan. You want to warm the water, not boil it so you can drink the water at a safe temperature
      Once it is warm, pour it into a tall glass. Then add the sea salt and stir.
      Add the apple juice, ginger juice, and fresh lemon juice. Stir.
      Drink first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Then have this mixture again just before a light lunch, and again mid-afternoon.

  57. Ruth on

    How long ll it take for the colon to be cleansed?I mean can I do this cleansing everyday? how ll I know dat my colon is now clean

  58. Uncle Tony on

    To which “toxins” is this article referring? The article posted under sources and references (http://archinte.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=2210883) doesn’t even contain the word toxin. The main conclusion drawn from this source is that people who eat apples use less prescription medication. I’m not seeing the connection.

    Also, how are these harmful toxins flushed out?

  59. Mollie on

    Who posts the answers to our questions? Is it possible to find the answers elsewhere for example, whether essential oils could be used?

  60. Vicky Gilliam on

    I have irritable bowel syndrome but with diarrhea. I need a colon cleanse to straighten my body out what do I need to use?

    • Tina on

      Vicky this drink is so great my bowels empty up to 20 times with very loose stools this drink has changed that in 5 days I’ve had a big change it’s great

    • a.kay on

      That’s more of a decoction rather than a tincturing, tinctures are typically made using alcohol to extract instead of heat. Try not to use heat ever when extracting unless its required to release compounds such as in pau d’arco or bracket fungus. Heat destroys the good parts we need!

  61. Erin A on

    Can you use essential lemon oil instead of lemon juice? I have interstitial cystitis and can’t have acidic juices. I do use lemon oil in my water and it doesn’t cause flare ups.

    • Melody on

      I was scheduled to have a colonoscopy in the morning but this bowel prep kit has done nothing but make me sick. It tastes so bad that I can’t even take a drink without gagging and puking it right back up.?Wish I would have known. Anyway. I am cancelling

      • Renee on

        That prep is disgusting & impossible to drink! Lots of Mirilax & Ducolax cleaned me out for the colonoscopy!

      • marie on

        DO NOT CANCEL!!!!! Mix that awful salty stuff with SPRITE. it works. Colon cancer can be prevented.

  62. Penny Haulman on

    Its me again. Just a thank you for sharing real doctoring. I reared six children with herbal meds. Never went to school for it, but had I, what you share, is what I’d study.


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