Remineralizing Toothpaste Recipe with Natural Ingredients - Dr. Axe

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Homemade Remineralizing Toothpaste


Homemade remineralizing toothpaste - Dr. Axe

Until very recently, toothpastes designed to remineralize (repair) enamel were prescription-only and all contained high levels of sodium fluoride (NaF), a substance that has been shown to be dangerous to your health (and many still contain this chemical).

Thankfully, dental researchers are starting to look for more ways to turn minor tooth decay around. Even better: you can now buy safe remineralizing toothpaste without a prescription or you make it yourself at home!

My Homemade Baking Soda Toothpaste has mild remineralizing qualities and so does my Homemade Probiotic Toothpaste, but for powerful remineralization action, you’ll need to up the ante a bit.

This homemade remineralizing toothpaste takes advantage of the remineralizing powers of natural ingredients like bentonite clay (rich in calcium), magnesium chloride, calcium phosphate, and clove oil.

Can these natural ingredients really help? Yes! Calcium phosphate, for example, has been shown in scientific studies to even be more effective at remineralizing teeth than fluoride.


Why Should You Use a Remineralizing Toothpaste?

We may think of our teeth as permanent structures, but the mineral building blocks (mostly calcium phosphate) in our teeth are in a constant state of flux, with some building blocks leaving and other new building blocks coming in to replace them.

If more building blocks are leaving than returning, you end up with porous tooth enamel (the outer layer that is supposed to be super-hard), which is more susceptible to tooth decay bacteria. This net loss of minerals is called tooth demineralization.

Can you turn tooth demineralization around? Yes! Encouraging more mineral building blocks to repair porous enamel and mildly decayed spots on your teeth is called remineralization. And it is a proven technology. This is great news because intact original teeth are better looking, stronger, and longer-lasting than teeth with even the best fillings in them (plus you are saved the discomfort of drilling and filling cavities).

If your teeth are prone to decay, you can really benefit from a remineralizing toothpaste for cavities. A high quality remineralizing toothpaste is a powerful way to deliver remineralizing compounds to your teeth and fend off decay.


There are many remineralizing toothpaste recipes out there, but this just may be the best remineralizing toothpaste without fluoride because it combines such beneficial natural ingredients, including:

  • Bentonite clay: If you’re making a remineralizing toothpaste, bentonite clay is a top choice of ingredients to include in your recipe. Can bentonite clay remineralize teeth? Bentonite clay, also called Montmorillonite clay, is rich in minerals, including calcium, magnesium, silica, sodium, copper, iron and potassium. It’s also known to possess antibacterial and detoxifying abilities.
  • Cacao powder: Cacao (raw chocolate — not to be confused with cocoa, which is a highly-processed product) is the best-kept secret in tooth health! It has been shown to fight tooth decay by suppressing the bacteria that cause it and making it harder for them to coat teeth and gums. In toothpaste, cacao powder also acts as a mild abrasive. And perhaps even better, it tastes really good, making tooth brushing a pleasure (and helping to cover less pleasant flavors).
  • Xylitol: Not only does xylitol provide enjoyable sweet flavor to this homemade toothpaste, some scientific research to date reveals that xylitol may be able to discourage the formation of cavities. This is why you’ll commonly see it as an ingredient these days in natural toothpastes and gums.
  • Calcium powder: Ideally, look for calcium phosphate. You may have heard of nano-hydroxyapatite remineralizing toothpaste. Hydroxyapatite is actually the naturally occurring form of calcium apatite, also known as calcium phosphate. Most of your teeth’s enamel and dentin is composed of hydroxyapatite. Toothpaste containing calcium phosphate (a bioavailable form of calcium found in dairy products, also called amorphous calcium phosphate and casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate/CPP-ACP), has been shown to be an effective way to remineralize teeth, with results appearing in as little as two weeks. Such toothpaste has also been found to be more effective than fluoride treatments and fluoride toothpaste for remineralizing porous enamel.
  • Magnesium oil: Magnesium deficiency is prevalent in the Western world and has been linked to a wide range of conditions and diseases, including tooth decay. Teeth with higher magnesium content have been shown to be less prone to decay. Tooth gel containing calcium glycerophosphate, magnesium chloride and xylitol has been shown to reverse early tooth decay spots. Two 15-minute applications significantly reduced tooth sensitivity in most subjects. Even many mainstream dental researchers agree that calcium phosphate and magnesium remineralize teeth (unfortunately, your dentist may not have embraced them yet).
  • Clove essential oil: Research shows that clove oil can actually inhibit decalcification of teeth. It’s also naturally antibacterial and rich in beneficial antioxidants. It’s a spicy and refreshing flavor addition to this toothpaste too.

How to Make DIY Remineralizing Toothpaste

To make this homemade remineralizing toothpaste, simply combine all of the dry ingredients and then add the coconut oil. If you need to liquefy the coconut oil, you can put it in a bowl of hot water until it melts before combining it with the dry ingredients.

Next, add the other liquid ingredients and stir until everything is well-combined. If you can still see the crystals of xylitol crystals, that’s ok.

If you want your final product to be an organic remineralizing toothpaste, simply opt for organic versions of ingredients where you can (you can easily find 100 percent pure bentonite clay, but there’s no such thing as a certified organic version of this natural substance).

It’s ideal to keep your homemade toothpaste in a small glass jar with an airtight lid. To maximize shelf life, use a clean spoon to put the toothpaste onto your toothbrush (rather than dipping the brush into the paste). You can also store your homemade toothpaste in the refrigerator so that it lasts longer. Typically, a remineralizing toothpaste is used once per day.

A lot of people find that in addition to experiencing less cavities, after using a remineralizing toothpaste for a while, they also aren’t as sensitive to cold food and drinks.


Although remineralizing toothpaste can be quite effective at preventing, stopping and even reversing mild tooth decay and gum issues, it isn’t a substitute for seeing your dentist for regular exams and professional care of advanced tooth decay or gum disease.

Other Ways to Remineralize Your Teeth

Remineralization doesn’t happen overnight and there’s ideally more you should do in addition to using this remineralizing toothpaste recipe.

A high-stress lifestyle and eating a Western diet are both associated with tooth demineralization and tooth decay. So managing your stress and following a low sugar, low phytic-acid diet that is rich in minerals and fat-soluble vitamins are also key to remineralization.

Dry mouth has also been associated with tooth demineralization, so making sure you have a healthy amount of saliva is also important. Drinking plenty of water supports good saliva production.

If your mouth remains dry even after upping your water intake, try oil pulling, which is another incredible natural way to boost oral health.


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Homemade remineralizing toothpaste

Homemade Remineralizing Toothpaste

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  • Author: Jean Nick, MS
  • Total Time: 10 minutes
  • Yield: 40 uses 1x


Until very recently, toothpastes designed to remineralize (repair) enamel were prescription-only and all contained high levels of dangerous sodium fluoride (NaF). Thankfully, dental researchers are starting to look for more ways to turn minor tooth decay around. Even better: You can now buy safe remineralizing toothpaste without a prescription or you make it yourself at home!


  • 23 tablespoons of organic cacao powder OR bentonite clay OR a combination
  • 3 tablespoons organic coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon granulated xylitol
  • 10 drops magnesium oil OR trace minerals OR 5 drops of each
  • ½ teaspoon calcium powder (calcium phosphate if possible); use a full teaspoon if you don’t use any bentonite clay
  • 3 drops clove essential oil
  • 3 drops vanilla oil


  1. Measure dry ingredients into a small glass or stainless steel bowl.
  2. Add the coconut oil (if it is solid, liquefy it first by setting the container in a bowl of hot water for 10–15 minutes, coconut oil melts at 76 F) and stir until completely combined.
  3. Add the liquid ingredients and stir until completely combined. The xylitol crystals may still be visible; that’s fine.
  4. Store in a small glass jar with a lid.


To maximize shelf life, use a clean spoon to put the toothpaste onto your toothbrush (rather than dipping the brush into the paste). You can also store your homemade toothpaste in the refrigerator so that it lasts longer. Typically, a remineralizing toothpaste is used once per day.

  • Prep Time: 10 min

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  1. Kate T on

    My mouth has never self better. My teeth are less sensitive. Instead of pouring the paste into a container I use a silicone mold that turns it into little half cubes.

  2. Ivette Daniels on

    where could I get the ingredients can this toothpaste be used more than once a day? we usually brush our teeth 4 times a day. if we cant use the remineralizing toothpaste, what could we use?

    • nightmare on

      IDK i got a metal crown and am not sure. id imagine just dont brush the crown if its a concern and use another paste for the crown.

  3. Jan on

    Thank you so much for this recipe and info! I was searching for a sodium free tooth paste recipe and this is marvelous. Once I collect the ingredients I can’t wait to try it!

  4. Lee on

    Thank you for a great article. I can certainly say I’ve seen results in friends and colleagues along with diet change. My question/concern is calcium use, specifically calcium use at this time in our environment. While it’s not the first or fifth result on any browser…… there is evidence that out gated voltage calcium channels have been effected secondary to our non native emf environment increasing. Leading to too much calcium being let in and not directing it to the bones but rather the arteries. As we know now cholesterol is not the enemy, on the contrary. I’ve also noticed supplements that I’ve used for years, I knew the ingredients well. As of 2020-2021 many have suddenly added calcium, or a form of calcium not easily identified as calcium or a fruit high in calcium. One product I actually took the time to call and ask why after 12 years of using their very popular formula have they added calcium? There was an audible sigh and said “ I can’t tell you why they did, I can leave a message for someone with more information to call you back, but they did. Excuse me please, but this has been the topic of most calls lately.” I truly thought I was alone re; my concern.

    So need we be concerned here for those sitting in Wi-Fi and or overall have no idea that our environment right now is more important than duet. Modifying it that is.

  5. James F on

    Wow, how irresponsible to recommend a toothpaste recipe that has no clinical evidence for its effectiveness. Definitely causing more harm than good here. Tooth decay is a real disease, you are affecting people’s lives here. How negligent.

    • Nini on

      No moral authority to call him out as negligent because even though you don’t have proof that it works, you don’t have proof that it doesn’t work.

      I used conventional toothpaste for years and had poor oral health including bleeding gums and sensitive teeth (partially from growing up where oral health was never a thing.)

      When I fell pregnant, the smell, let alone the taste of regular toothpaste made me sick. I had to find an alternative, and eventually stumbled on a remineralisation toothpaste recipe from that’s slightly different from this.

      I used that throughout my pregnancy coupled with coconut oil pulling. By the 3rd month of use, not only was my bleeding gum disease resolved, but my teeth sensitivity completely disappeared.

      Previously, having a hot drink indoors and then going out into the cold soon after was unbearable pain. Having even a sip of something hot outside in chilly weather was absolute agony. And forget about having a cup of tea after ice-cream dessert of an evening.

      9 years and 3 pregnancies later, and I’ve not touched commercially produced toothpaste unless it’s an emergency. My children use the same toothpaste since it’s fluoride free.

      Biannual dental checks on children and parents indicate healthy oral cavities and to ‘keep doing what we are doing’. The dentist however skeptically said that the only useful ingredient in the ‘concoction’ was the xylitol. I suppose because as you say, the rest have not been ‘proven’.

      But my gums do not bleed anymore, and winter is not a season to loath on account of sensitive teeth.

      Yeah maybe the science of remineralising toothpaste isn’t in the labs yet, but it’s in my wholly healed oral cavity. This stuff gave me back my mouth, literally, and improved my social life significantly. I always say that a horrible pregnancy was my dental health miracle. Thank God for silver linings.

    • stoptellingpaidtruths on

      Negligent is people like you just spouting off whatever big pharma tells them too. My teeth have never been healthier since stopping the use of commercial toothpastes and making my own. The NIH lists all of these ingredients as effective for dental care. Looks like it’s you that is irresponsible and trying to cause harm.

    • 70yroldpearls on

      pompous much?
      I have been using my own home made tooth powder for 10 yrs. cured receeding gums, keeps cavities away. Every time I go to the dds, I am told wow, you have really good self care, no tartar or placque! So guess what??? I skipped the cleaning. I haven’t done flouride in decades. I get compliments. I have also sold many many jars of it and given the recipe to my DDS.

  6. S Das on

    Doctor , calcium phosphate can be found in more than one form/variety .
    What is it that we should buy ?
    Is it Dicalcium phosphate or Calcium phosphate tribasic or some other form? Kindly reply.

  7. Pam on

    I have tried toothpaste with xylitol, but I just can’t stand the way it stays in my mouth making it feel slick and seems to increase saliva production. I’ve read others that said the same. It’s either SLS or xylitol. I used fluoride toothpaste and it made my teeth so hard- actually brittle and irritated my gums.) ) I am finding this toothpaste thing to be a catch 22. I’m so desperate I’m down to just a slight tad of baking soda in water to brush my teeth!

    • Gloria on

      Saliva production is good, as it actually remineralizes your teeth as well. Folks with dry mouth have poorer dental health. But even if you left out the xylitol, the other ingredients here offer many remineralizing benefits. That’s a benefit of making your own- adding, changing, or leaving out as needed

  8. Melissa on

    I’m a little confused, I want to know which one I use raw cacao powder or cacao nips?

    Also I found a powder toothpaste that saves me tones of money as it has all ingredients except for xylitol. But my question to you, it has Calcium Carbonate in it instead of calcium phosphate. Could I just add that ingredient to that product and would those to be sage to mix ?

    Also oil pulling, does this need to be done if making my all natural mouthwash?

    Thank you

  9. Shona on

    Hydroxyapatite or calcium phosphate – studies on remineralising teeth use nanoparticles of this stuff which is integrated into the teeth. It was stated that larger particles would not likely be effective. (Nanoparticles have their own health concerns of course.) What do you think?

    • Kathryn Majumdar on

      I wonder the same thing, and wanted to ask Dr Axe this same question! Did he respond? I need to check :.)

  10. Roseann on

    Can you tell me a good brand of bentonite clay to use. On site recommendation was Mountain Rose but as I was about to order it I noticed a disclaimer that said only use external. I’m getting very confused. Thanks

  11. Helen on

    What is the difference between calcium phosphate and dicalcium phosphate? So companies advertise their product as calcium phosphate but when looking at the listed ingredients it has dicalcium phosphate.
    Can you use either or?

    • S Das on

      Hi Helen, regarding the calcium phosphate , did you get your answer? Which one to buy? I hope you reply! Did you buy Dicalcium phosphate?

  12. Roy Firus on

    In the excellent book ” Cancer-causing Agents ” by Ruth Winter -xylitol is listed (with references ) as a proven cancer -causing agent.
    Can you subsititute Stevia or dried monkfruit ?
    Thank-you very much for your answer .
    Take care and God bless,
    Roy Firus

  13. Bert on

    The only Calcium Phosphate I could find in the UK is which is for pets :) It has A, D, E vitamins. Can I use this product for the toothpaste do you think? Thanks.

    • Bouncedancer on

      With these ingredients, shelf life should not be an issue. I would keep a small amount out and keep the rest refrigerated or in the freezer, and leave plenty of time for coming to room temperature after having been cooled.

    • Rochelle on

      I have just started buying, NOW brand Calcium Hydroxyapatite Caps 120, I open up the capsules and use in this recipe. Around $16 I believe, didn’t use i
      I have been making my own for about 6 months, I believe it is reversing some damage. My checkup last week, I was told my gums and teeth look the best they’ve seen…no new Carrie’s and my gums didn’t bleed once.
      I do like using the bentonite clay, add extra flavor and/or Xylitol sugar (added teeth benefits in this sugar) (I use Viva Doria food grade peppermint oil $7/oz or 20/4oz amazon and Anthony’s Xylitol)
      I have since purchased some kid paste (they won’t use the homemade just yet) on Amazon with no Fluoride, with the hydroxyapatite (Burst Kids, strawberry superstar, only flavor with no fluoride) My kids actually like it, and they’re picky.
      Also, making my own toothpaste has lessened my sensitivity.
      Good luck to you!

    • Rochelle on

      I use peppermint, spearmint and cinnamon oil, I make it for some family and friends now. Make sure it is “food grade” and not just essential or therapeutic grade.
      You can play around with the flavors, I change the recipe a little every time I make it:)

  14. Kathryn Jeric on

    Can you tell me where I can find these ingredients?
    How long is unrefrigerated shelf life? How long is refrigerated shelf life?

    Please note: Xylitol, as well as other “fake sugars” are prohibited for those of us with diverticulosis and diverticulitis (as well as other gut issues). What is the purpose/necessity of using it in the recipe?

    Thank you, and I am hoping to receive your reply soon, Dr. Axe.

    Thank you for your interest.
    Kathy Jeric

    • Jeannette Hassberg on

      Don’t swallow it, Xylitol tastes really cool, literally, and sweet, and as Dr. Axe noted, it is protective of the teeth by killing bacteria that could amass on the surface. Trader Joe and Whole Foods have Cacao, I got Bentonite at WF and on Amazon, etc. Piping Rock online has “Crazy Deals” regularly, they carry many essential oils and other healthy items (ACL843 is my “code”, it will get you an extra discount) including Magnesium oil, Bentonite, Xylitol, etc. Good luck with your health journey! As a health coach, I admire those who seek to manage their own health!

    • Papaya on

      I think you’d be fine, because you’re not swallowing the Xylitol, which could cause digestive issues, which are worse in diverticulitis sufferers. But applied to the mouth and spit it should be just fine.

      The purpose for Xylitol is that it inhibits bacteria, so it will help eliminate bacteria from your mouth and may even help extend the shelf life of the toothpaste.

      Don’t swallow it.

  15. Sandra Mitchell on

    I’m allergic to coconut oil. In fact, my doctor said not to even use it on my skin. Is there something I can use instead?

  16. Carrieah on

    For people with IBS and other autoimmune troubles, Xylitol is high FODMAP and after masking some months at work, mixed with a bit of premenopause dry mouth, gingivitis and mouth breathing in general as well as having a working lunch while masked in an office with black slime mold in my work area, I ended up shockingly with multiple root cavities at one time that my Biological Dentist said at least half her group practice also came away from the Pandemic masking with the same result. I was recommended Dental Herb Company’s Tooth & Gums Tonic by the practice which badly burned my mouth and taste buds and turned my tongue white within a few weeks. I quit a couple weeks and tried again even reducing the concentration strength with water but my white yeast tongue increased again. Within a month of stopping using it and starting to use a tongue cleaner, my close mouth inspection also led me to see that i was developing small light circles under my left nostril, to the right side of my mouth and several at the left side- being ringworm, a fungal infection as well! Xylitol is a sugar, and eating and drinking are not recommended for 15 minutes after swishing the above mouthwash that it’s there plenty long to cause trouble in some, beware.

    Coupled with constant talking at work while 100% cotton thick fitted masked up was drying to my oral biome and led to having 3 teeth removed in short time as I have had an increasingly adverse reaction to a prior root canal over time with aging and an associated proliferation of autoimmune issues that it will cost a fortune in crown restorations that will cost far more than I earned in the 6 months before my reactive Airways Illness caused me to call out and I was let go for not being able to tolerate the unclean environment and eating while masked at the high turnover job at a low end CPA office. Female hormones can lead to much of the above dental drama but heightens the liklihood being masked, while xylitol added to my burden. Be vigilant in protecting yourself and loved ones. i found that baking soda removed a lot of the sticky plaque buildup the dry mouth was exasperating between cleanings for a meanwhile fix and go easy, in gentle circles cautious not to receed gums damaged with gingivitis further as roots don’t have the same enamel as rest of the teeth. Do your research, early loss of natural teeth can lead to further problems throughout the body and typical ADA dentists recommend archaic means that are money makers for them and devastating to our health. See IOAMT Dentist for an eye opening to your dental heath and those you care for.

    • Jeannette Hassberg on

      WOW! You’ve been through a lot! If only you knew in advance, or could have used some colloidal silver spray several times a day, on the surface of your face and in your nose and mouth cavities, many of your separate issues could have been addressed. Also taking a daily dose of 5-6 grams of Sodium Ascorbate preventatively could have saved you much of this suffering. Bless you for sharing these precautionary measures you discovered by hard experience!

  17. Helen Alexander on

    I haven’t tried this yet, but am excited to do so.
    Looks like a great recipe.
    I still have a jar of bentonite clay which I have barely touched.
    Q: Is the vanilla oil just for flavoring? If so, what do you recommend as flavoring options?
    Thank you again for always coming up with the best DIY tips and recipes.
    God bless you for all that you continue to provide for the well-being of all.

  18. John on

    Do NOT use a metal or steel bowl if mixing in the Calcium Bentonite Clay!
    The Clay has a negative ionic charge which helps detox the body of positive charged particles. The steel or any metal bowl will neutralize the negative charge in the clay.

  19. Jeannie on

    Hello Dr. Axe,
    Thank you so much for your homemade toothpaste recipes. I still have 2 mercury fillings in my mouth. Will any of the ingredients be worse than the non-flouride toothpaste that i am currently using. TYIA

  20. SchoonerSail on

    Thanks so much for this recipe! I really need a good remineralizing toothpaste. I will make this recipe, but guess what? If you manufactured it and sold it, Dr. Axe, I would definitely buy it.

  21. Pamela on

    I appreciate this article Dr. Axe. As for those who speak against xylitol: I switched to a Xylitol toothpaste 3 years ago, and I’ve had nothing but good results! I look forward to trying your toothpaste.

  22. Cheryl Meschke on

    What about tooth sensitivity? Is there an ingredient to add for this or are those of us with that issue, out of luck?

  23. Laurel Toews on

    I have made this toothpaste three times now and am making it for the fourth time now. I LOVE it. Also I was recently at the dentist and they gave me a glowing report on the condition of my teeth and gums — better than I’ve had while using bought toothpaste (albeit natural, NOT Crest and the like). Also, I do rub my gums with neem powder and oil pull most mornings and have done this for several months now. Thank you, Dr. Axe!!

  24. Laurel on

    I love the toothpaste!!! I will never buy toothpaste again. Thank you Dr. Axe for sharing so much information and knowledge freely. I am deeply grateful. Blessings.

  25. Jenn on

    Of all my searching for a good toothpaste and mouthwash I like this combination the best. My question is do you brush and spit in the trash because that coconut will clog your pipes? Is there a substitute for the coconut oil?

  26. Jennifer on

    Hello Dr. Axe!

    I am a frequent visitor of your website, and I just wanted to say thank you– your site has been such an awesome help to me this year!

    Your posts have been a constant source of guidance and knowledge that I needed all throughout this year as I have been going through a healing process. Because of your work, I have been able to make my own toothpaste, heal two cavities, make wise food choices, and overall become a healthier, and more conscious individual.

    I love the recipes you share, and the facts you provide for a variety of foods such as fish, vegetables and dairy. You have helped me become equipped to shop for healthier, less-processed, and non-toxic foods, and this makes me feel empowered and in charge of my health.

    Thank you for being a part of my healing journey and making it fun! May your new year be full of blessings, light and love!


    • Dr. Josh Axe, DC, DMN, CNS on

      Hi Evelyn! You are absolutely correct. Thank you for pointing that out. Vanilla is not an “essential oil,” because it is not steam-distilled, expeller-pressed or cold-pressed. I have added a link to our article about vanilla oil for more clarity.

  27. Khan on

    Calcium Citrate and Magnesium Citrate are said to be more absorbent. Is this better to use them instead of Calcium Phosphate and Magnesium?

    • Papaya on

      I believe Cal Citrate/Mag citrate are minerals chelated with citric acid. I would think the Citrate form would acidify the mouth instead of alkalinize it.

      Cal phos would be important, I think, because the phosphate is needed in a certain ratio to cal to build structure, whether bone or tooth. In diet, we get abundant phos, and usually only lack adequate calcium but if you’re applying topically, maybe you need to supply both in ratio.

  28. wolf on

    what about tea tree oil and aloe vera? they sound like wonders too for decay reversal tooth/bone remineralization and are used in ‘healthy alternative’ new stream toothpastes.

  29. Nicole on

    When I use this my mouth feels a little funny afterward, I’m thinking it might be from the magnesium as the bottle had warned of potential itching or other discomfort, has anyone else encountered anything like this? It’s almost a slight swollen/tingly/burning feeling. It freaks me out a bit but I just spent almost $100 on all the ingredients, *though it’s going to last YEARS

    • Annika on

      Usually itching and tingling from magnesium occurs when you are low in this mineral. Maybe use your magnesium oil externally on your body and you may find over time that the tingling sensation will ease.

    • Nicole on

      Apparently the essential oil is different from the extract, I couln’t find a food grade one on amazon so I just omitted it and it tastes fine, I’m not sure what the benefits of it are, I added both bentonite clay and cacoa powder and it tastes like i;m brushing my teeth with chocolate.

  30. Bri on

    Hi Dr Axe

    Just wondering how long this Remineralizing toothpaste will last? Do I need to store it in the fridge?


  31. Louise on

    I am very excited to try a number of your recipes which seem to have frankincense, ylang ylang, or myrrh. Can you recommend substitutes for each due to allergies? Which form of bentinite clay do you recommend, dry or liquid?

    • Shawn on

      Clove is excellent for oral health. You could sub melaluca and mrryh essential for medicinal properties and peppermint for taste. Or a protective blend.
      Only use Certified therapeutic grade essential oils. There are only a couple of brands I would trust.

  32. Elizabeth on

    This sounds great to try, however, I would caution anyone using coconut oil in this to spit it out into the trash and not down your drain. As the coconut oil hardened in the jar, so I assume it will harden in your pipes causing blockage.
    On another note, can one use dried, powdered egg shells for the calcium?

  33. Nadine on

    I’m having real difficulty finding calcium phosphate in Canada. Is there another form of calcium I can use that is equally as good. Thank you. I am really looking forward to making this toothpaste.

    • Brenda on

      Hi Nadine, I bought it online through Amazon. I spent upwards of $100 on all this stuff. I can make toothpaste for the rest of my life.
      😀. Maybe check the other comments and buy the toothpaste from the woman who is selling it. I like the way it turned out.

    • Marilyn on

      Maybe bone meal? That has calcium & phosphorus in it. Not sure if it would be fine enough to use in toothpaste, though.

  34. DW on

    I am having a hard time finding calcium phosphate. I only found Source Naturals Calcium Ethanolamine Phosphate with no information on it. Plus it’s in tablet form. Where can I buy some?

    • Henry Woodward MD on



    • Henry Woodward MD on


  35. Grace on

    Its a little unclear to me as to why you use the vanilla oil for the paste. What is the reason why? Also, how long does this last, how do you store it? Will it is grow anything in it after a certain amount of time?

  36. tim on

    What about Calcium Bentonite? I have the “aztek secret” powder. Would that work as the bentonite and calcium, or should I still add a calcium powder?

  37. Jenna on

    hey everyone! i invented a super wonderful and effective remineralizing paste for anyone who is interested. it contains ozonated coconut oil, homeopathic cell salts, herbs for tooth decay, tooth-healing vitamins, bee propolis, coral calcium, bentonite clay, and trace minerals!! it’s amazing :) and has amazing remineralization properties

    for anyone interested, you can find it at

  38. Sandra on

    Coconut oil solidifies below 76 degrees. You can put the jar in hot water long enough to cause it to soften or just scrape it off onto the brush in the solidified form. Solidifying and liquifying doesn’t change its effectiveness.

  39. Margaret Smith on

    Isn’t xylitol deadly to pets, especially dogs? If so, should this home made remineralizing toothpaste be kept safely out of reach from curious cats and dogs?

    • Debbie on

      I’m guessing regular toothpaste with fluoride wouldn’t be good for them either, but just keep anything you don’t want them to eat in a container with a lid, in a cabinet if they might chew through the container. I’ve got a dog that sure loves to chew.

    • Elizabeth Wright on

      Coconut oil changes form with temperature. It’s liquid in warmer temperatures and solid in cooler temperatures. All you have to do is set the jar in which you put your toothpaste in a bowl of hot water and it will soften.

  40. Debra on

    Can the magnesium oil sold by dr. Axe be used as an ingredient?
    Where can vanilla essential oil be purchased?
    Where to purchase trace oil?

    • Iskra on

      Magnesium ‘oil’ actually isn’t an oil, but is very easy to make. Do some searches & you’ll be able to learn to do this yourself, saving a lot of money. It takes only 2 ingredients.

    • kim on

      I am pretty sure vanilla essential oil does not exist however, if you want vanilla taste you can use pure vanilla bean or extract.

    • Sandra on

      Xylitol is a natural 0 calorie sweetener. However, I prefer Stevia or Monk Fruit instead because too much Xylitol can cause diarrhea.

      • Jaclyn on

        Monk fruit works well in lieu of this recipe? I don’t like to have xylitol in my home because of it’s risk with animals (and one of my dogs is Houdini), so I was hoping something else might be okay.

      • Laura on

        Xylitol does help with tooth decay though. I don’t use it as a sweetener for treats but I’ll let my older kids use it in a toothpaste and spit it out. Just bought some organic for $8.

      • Debbie on

        I’ve read that xylitol actually helps prevent decay, so it’s doing double duty. The small amount in toothpaste, especially since you don’t swallow it, shouldn’t cause diarrhea.

      • Bouncedancer on

        Xylitol has a remineralizing effect. You would be extremely unlikely to get any meaningful amount of xylitol from toothbrushing.

    • Brenda Ludlow on

      Hi Shannon, Xylitol fights the cavity causing germ, so does Coconut Oil. I read a scientific study where the cavity germ couldn’t survive after 30 minutes of exposure to coconut oil. A different study tested sinus germs against Manuka honey and nothing that caused sinus infections could survive being exposed to Manuka honey. My Xylitol is KAL brand. It is poisonous to dogs, so if you have a furry friend, keep the xylitol out of reach.

      • lucia on

        I’m also no fan of Xylitol, it might have adverse effects on your liver too. I’d go for stevia but not the manipulated kind, the green tincture from the plant that’s what you need, it also fights germs and the germfighting you can also achieve with essential oils. My choice would be lemonoil, manuka and clove beats any bacteria, anywhere, anytime. Other than that the recipe is very good and balanced….. love you dr Axe, always a big fan.

    • Marsha on

      Xylitol is a natural cavity fighter. It can cause the amount of acid-producing bacteria to fall by as much as 90%, which is the main cause of gum and tooth issues. It also helps with dry mouth.


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