Homemade Mouthwash with Essential Oils - Dr. Axe

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Homemade Mouthwash with Essential Oils


Homemade Mouth Wash - Dr Axe

Mouthwash is a rinse that is used to kill bacteria and germs in the mouth. It is not intended to be swallowed. According to the American Dental Association, there are two main types of mouthwash: cosmetic and therapeutic.

The therapeutic version can be purchased both over-the-counter and by prescription and many may help control plaque, gingivitis, bad breath, and tooth decay. Cosmetic mouthwash, or mouth rinse, can help temporarily by staving off bad breath, but usually there is no other benefit ‚ so it’s almost like a minty chewing gum, only as a rinse. (1)

Is mouthwash safe to use? While you don’t swallow it, anything that touches the skin or body can get absorbed. Some over-the-counter mouthwash options contain ingredients that can cause organ system toxicity, for example.

The active ingredient, methyl salicylate, in many commercial mouthwashes may cause developmental/reproductive toxicity. It is important to note that doctors advise that children under the age of 6 years should not use mouthwash unless under proper supervision since they may swallow the mouthwash. (2)

Now that you have a little mouthwash background, perhaps making your own mouthwash is the way to go. It is so easy and you will avoid unnecessary chemicals getting into the body.


Also, if gingivitis is a problem for you, try my homemade mouthwash for gingivitis, bad breath and even use as a mouthwash for whitening your teeth. A natural mouthwash has many advantages, and by using some essentials oils, you can naturally cleanse your teeth and gums in no time. Let’s delve into how to make a DIY mouthwash.

How to Make Homemade Mouthwash

Using a mason jar or BPA-free plastic bottle, add the spring water, calcium carbonate powder and the trace minerals. Mix with a spoon.

Using spring water helps eliminate any bacteria that could come from regular tap water and since we are not using preservatives, that is important. Keeping those pearly whites healthy, in addition to keeping your gums healthy, is critical. (3)  Trace minerals offer excellent antioxidants, which helps repair cell damage. (4)

Next add the essential oils. Peppermint essential oil obviously provides fresh breath, but why not get the benefits of antimicrobial properties while you’re at it. And spearmint essential oil, being a relative of peppermint, does the same thing while adding a nice taste to your mouthwash. Spearmint also helps fight gingivitis.

Tea tree essential oil is a great alternative for good oral health since it helps fight bacteria and gingivitis. It also eases any inflammation that may be present in the mouth ultimately helping speed along the healing process.

Lemon essential oil helps add a little whitening sparkle to your teeth. While you don’t want to overdo it, this is a great way to keep those teeth on the whiter side without having to go for the chemical versions. If you need a little sweetness, you can add pure liquid stevia. Put the lid on and give it a good shake or two.

To use take a small sip, then swish your homemade mouthwash around in your mouth, gargling periodically for 20–30 seconds. Then spit out. Do not swallow. You can store it in a dark place or the fridge.

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Homemade mouthwash - Dr. Axe

Homemade Mouthwash with Essential Oils

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  • Author: Dr. Josh Axe
  • Total Time: 5 min
  • Yield: 40 uses 1x


Most store-bought mouthwash has many ingredients that aren’t good for you. Instead, make your own mouthwash! It’s easy and can offer additional benefits with these essential oils.


  • 5 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 5 drops tea tree essential oil
  • 3 drops spearmint essential oil
  • 3 drops lemon essential oil
  • 3 cups spring water
  • 1 tablespoon calcium carbonate powder
  • 8 drops concentrated trace minerals liquid
  • 6 drops liquid pure stevia optional


  1. Place all ingredients in a mason jar.
  2. Put the lid on the jar and tighten.
  3. Shake well.


To use take a small sip, then swish your homemade mouthwash around in your mouth, gargling periodically for 20–30 seconds. Then spit out. Do not swallow. You can store it in a dark place or the fridge.

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  1. Marie on

    I’ve been making a version of this for years (minus calcium carbonate/trace minerals, plus xylitol and alcohol-free witch hazel), and it is great but separation is a major problem. Just shaking it before use doesn’t do it. What emulsifiers are safe to use?

  2. Philippa Fleming on

    Hi I would add some frankincense to this mix as it strengthens the teeth if they are at risk of falling out. Although I haven’t tried in a mouthwash yet. I use inhalation or massage oil.

  3. Maria on

    Thank you! Question… is there a difference with using Distilled Water vs Spring Water? Could using distilled water be an issue without preservatives?

    • Shelyna on

      Distilled water is from the vapor when you boil it. Unlike most waters (Including Spring) has minerals, chemicals, fluoride, mercury, sulfur, in them so it works like a vacuum and flushes toxins

    • Shelyna on

      I’d go more in depth but they only allow 200 characters 🙄 but distilled water is really good for you. You can buy distilled water for babies in baby aisle at stores. So it’s effective & gentle.

  4. Chrystal on

    I am blood type O and I am not on any meds but I read that spearmint, peppermint and tea tree thins blood naturally or is a natural blood thinner. Even if diluted can someone (who knows) tell me if I should stay away from those three essential oils?

    I really want to make my own mouthwash but all the ones that I have read that are best are all natural blood thinners and I have thin blood already.

  5. Rose on

    I made this. Wow!! Wow!!! It is so refreshing in the mouth. What is the benefit of traced mineral in the mouth wash?

  6. Sajjad Kamran on

    If ‘calcium carbonate powder’, ‘concentrated trace minerals liquid’ and ‘stevia’ are not available, can one use the following instead respectively:-

    – A calcium carbonate tablet, crushed
    – A multivitamin tablet containing minerals, crushed
    – Honey

  7. Alyssa on

    Teeth are NOT made up of bones. Teeth are harder than bones. They have much different blood supply, and bones have marrows which produce blood cells. I cannot believe you said teeth are made up of bones, it wasn’t even a necessary phrase to include.
    Do your research.

  8. Wafa on

    I used 1 table spoon frankincense with 1 table spoon sea salt and 0.25 liter regular water it’s work amazing it gives nice smells of mouth and whitening of teeth

    • Bob on

      I don’t know what that fungus is I use Aloe Vera often on sun burn and reg burns it removes the pain with a cooling effect. I also use it for cuts and skin problems infections, fungus, cuts, sores I helps healing and it make you look younger when used on the face and arms. ands fades bruise marks. I’m not a doctor but have used it for 15 years now with out ill effects. I also grow my own or you can buy it at wall mart in liquid form. which I use in my Tea in the morning to assist my digestive system.

    • Sunny on

      I know this question is from some time ago, but others may have the same question. Xylitol would actually be better than stevia, as it naturally fights cavities!


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